The game has so much potential but what the game could use is that there should be many missions available instead of 1 for everyone to go to at the same time because nobody would grow money or xp like that since every one has the same objective, and for each mission should be chosen how hard it would be to earn better pay and higher xp and there should be pvp to, to gain reputation and help with the balance of the system if that makes sense and to also add various attachments like barrels to the guns and to modify the vehicle as well as move the cam in the vehicle and please and thank you and whoever the developer and the team is thank you for this game I love it a lot keep it up 🙏 God bless, I also forgot to mention there should be a market for all players to sell or buy from other players for an example if you bought something you wanted and it was good at some point hut don't have use for it anymore you can just sell it on the market and wait for a player to purchase the item you chose to sell
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