Previously,i made a review about this game, but here i am again. I tooked 2 month pause to see how is the patches goes,and oh boy..
How is this possible,to provide so many patches (patch list is more than 30+) and yet, somehow,the game have the exact same,main issues from the launch.
And if that was not enough,ios users reported,the game in their store suddenly  becamed paidable only (1$ )
That is pretty damn crazy,right? Activision said the usual "oh sweeties,it was just a bug and we already solved it "
Here is the issue: once you change data/video or simple description in the store,it is requires a one,final click to save the changes. So,if you really wonder if it was a bug,no,there is no such type of bugg, especially not in the store..
Activision is officially milk everything and if none of you still dont see the obvious,than really well deserved to be baited by a money hunger company
Mentioned games
hii I'm new
hii I'm new
that's why I deleted codwm
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