Moonton is a super greedy/stingy company from east asia, even more than MiHoYo. Just like Mobile Legends, this one is no less heavily P2W. Imagine a team based RPG where you need dozens of duplicates to fully upgrade a character's level limit and yet they are being helluva stingy to give a single 5 🌟  unit to beginners. This game demands that you must first complete story chapter 6 before you can acquire your very first 5 🌟 character which of course is a mediocre unit. Even the Chinese version of Mobile Legends Adventure is the exact same, having very bad gacha system and very stingy in terms of helping players progress with a satisfied mind. The new user privileges suck through & through. 5 🌟 character selector and gacha wish list are completely non-existent in the game. If that wasn't bad enough, wait till you see the expensive offers on shop with bad stuffs. I have played plenty of Team Based RPGs before but never have I encountered one so bad as Mobile Legends Adventure which tried to rob people of their credit cards from the very start. Take games like Demian Saga, Beyond Warriors etc. for example and see how much they are helping their free user base. Are they not also running a business and still making profits from different means? And now this company is desperately begging people to play their crappy Mobile Legends by using their puppet users and deploying bot accounts in several platforms to false rate and praise their own game with spam texts. The proof for this is there on TapTap homepage. It's about time you people opened your eyes and choose games wisely from the options whose developers genuinely care about their user base by ensuring a healthy community and helping players get what they want without pressuring them. And Moonton is NOT one of such companies you should be looking up to ~
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