Jump Assemble honest detailed review with : Pros, Cons, Notes & Conclusion.

👎 Cons that need improvements :
1- They force you into a buying order so you can't get the exact character you want when you want unless you pay money or enough time. or by the luck gacha system which also offers a random character of their choice for around 2 weeks. that su*ks af when the game's fun is mostly about characters it's an anime game. imagine playing a character you don't know nothing about from an anime you don't even care about, that su*ks, and trust me it's the biggest con cause most ppl might quit the game before they even grind to reach their fav character when you force this kind of boredom on them. critical issue needs change.
2- Battle pass items are so uncreatively repetitive, cheap and uninteresting enough to encourage grinding for them, same goes to item store where you can use coins, you basically only capable of buying SC ( not bad enough ) , protection/points cards ( meh ), and characters' trials ( which is not worth it to test a character one day for bunch of coins just to thirst you up into buying them with real money eventually )
3- Map so pale and bright it needs more life details.
4- They should work on a better diversity when it comes to abilities and visuals of it cause many abilities feel the same either punches or projectiles.
5- The chilling lobby outside MOBA itself is such a good idea to chill and such, but it still needs some interactive elements to be fun enough to chill at more when you wanna take breaks of game itself. and movement there needs to be smoother, sometimes I can't jump over some obstacles, everything needs to be interact-able, would be much better n fun :)
👍 Pros:
Everything else.
1- Gameplay is really fun and competitive and the fights got that anime feel in it really, fun fights and teamwork/team fights feel great.
2- Anime feels alive with gameplay they brought anime to life for real, you feel everything about your character, voice lines, abilities, visuals, play style feel, etc, and abilities/attacks also are just like the anime so when you use an ability for example you pretty much gonna remember the fight scene that this exact ability was used in in the anime, so much fun and life i love the way they make everything in game connected to the anime from lore items, character recognition system, etc, to actual gameplay.
3- Amazing graphics and visuals specially these lovely characters intros.
4- Nice game details like clans for example, they offers 3 animes to choose from that resemble the clan and it's members and earn them more points and rewards for playing the clan's animes, this is really fun idea at least from the side of grouping up ppl with same mentality, preferences and anime flavours, that way being in a clan would make much more sense than most other games and would be much fun. Clans also compete together on the leaderboard with their ranks/points with every anime on the game. cool features.
- 📝 Notes :
2- Wish they keep adding different animes like chainsaw man for example, juuni taisen, etc.
3- I don't remember all cons, pros or notes i didn't type this intentionally i just said first things on mind, whatever remembered/further noticed will be continually added.
- 🤝 Conclusion:
Best MOBA mobile game I've ever played so far, extremely fun and challenging and you're too active the whole game, with the tons of fun you be feeling playing your fav anime characters with other characters from different animes that you also love and experiencing the cross over in battle between them, imagine watching your fav animes in one anime battle ? now imagine you and your friends are the ones actually playing.
Hope they do this game justice because it's just so good already and it should be big. all anime lovers specially gamer ones were waiting for something like this and here it is.
And if they don't release it global then that's the worst game ever existed on earth with tons of 0 stars reviews on god.
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