จาก 10


เรียกดู 646 02/11/2022
I would like to suggest that we will change the characters in FPS games which is the traditional counter terrorist and terrorist which is so boring that was used in so many years. And other games they used so many uniform's. In real life there is only one official uniform in each side. This is to give a player an immediate distinction between enemy and friendly character.That's what we should also do in creating a game. And other games have also a lacking in their uniform's. Others don't have head gear and others didn't tuck in their combat shoes. You are not creating your games basing on real life...I would like to invite you all to see my Facebook page at Full Batte Gear and see the good ideas that I'm suggesting...thanks...
Sơn Phạm Thanh
เรียกดู 590 11/02/2022
cant p
Uusi Jsj
Game dell cc
เรียกดู 341 07/31/2022
เรียกดู 365 11/09/2022
Андрей Филатов
เรียกดู 246 01/16/2022
Помогите игра висит на заставке и больше нечего не происходит что делать?
เรียกดู 179 01/23/2022
no doal
เรียกดู 74 08/07/2021
như cc sao không tải được vậy
เรียกดู 154 12/08/2019
Sao không tai duoc
Hoang Chiem
เรียกดู 156 11/08/2021
k tải đk
Олег Антропов
เรียกดู 271 01/31/2021
Не Грузится
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