(10명 중)

게임 리뷰

3 회 조회 10/16/2020
제가원래 컴퓨터 겜이라 조금놀랐는데 모바일에서도 할수있다니.............기대가 됩니다.......!!
3 회 조회 01/25/2021
언제쯤 출시 예정인가요? ( When will it be released?) 打算什么时候上市呢?)
193 회 조회 03/28/2021
Is this the reason why Area-F2 is shutdown? Please reach expectations.if you fail, give it over to Area - F2. Or work together..... In-game purchases still make moola and more advanced games are coming.... GL
343 회 조회 12/16/2021
Rainbow six siege is coming to mobile in the future. The global Release date is not official but you can go check my video about the predicted global release date https://youtu.be/6AyA91kWuJ0 https://youtu.be/6AyA91kWuJ0
219 회 조회 08/07/2021
if you shutdown area f2 because of this, please reach our expectations and make it more better than af2 if not, please do a collab with the devs of af2 to make the game more better. Good luck on making the game😊!!
371 회 조회 08/21/2021
you better be good ... 😑😑😑 way better than Area F2. Cause, we all know AF2 was the best CQB or mobile shooting game all time *sight* ..
191 회 조회 10/31/2020
when can i just download this game ?
133 회 조회 07/29/2021
so this is the reason why u banned AREA F2 huh?
234 회 조회 09/04/2021
Its tell me comming soon what can i do please help me 😢 😢 🙏
636 회 조회 11/01/2021
I need this game. now . lanshed now .I miss this gmae so much
지금은 이게 전부예요. 새로운 게임을 시작할래요?