(10명 중)

게임 리뷰

Good option to kill some time
925 회 조회 09/14/2022
Interesting gameplay idea, pixel art style is never bad for small games as this one. Took me 2 games to learn how to play, then for third and fourth games i was beating the ai easily... Despite the mistakes i made. Each match is pretty short, probably not longer than 10 minutes in most cases, it's also very good that i haven't seen a glitch or bug. It can get repetitive very fast with only one track for the ost, as well as the map, if you wanna play with a friend you have multiplayer using a single device to play and it's kinda sad because i'm bad at multitasking and i have no friends lol.
I beat it by spamming.
641 회 조회 10/09/2022
Legit just spammed tier 3 enemy mid lane won with no resistance. Not that interesting if i can do this.
Takoshima Fujiwara
Offline Moba Games
361 회 조회 11/08/2023
0 회 조회 02/15/2024
salvador castellanos
180 회 조회 04/14/2022
la verdade el juego es algo como un ajedres perfecto para jugar con amigos usando un solo teléfono y también puedes jugar contra el mismo juego la verdad lo veo muy entretenido aún que después de unas partidas es muy repetitivo pero muy buen juego ojalá lo mejoren como agragar mas mapas más modos de juego y diferentes soldados
296 회 조회 01/27/2022
Tingkatkan karakter lainnya dan buatlah tempat yang berbeda
zone jone
378 회 조회 03/21/2022
tambahin karakternya
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