(10명 중)

게임 리뷰

Riku Kiyutaka
630 회 조회 09/19/2019
As much as I want to play more of this game, the ping doesn't want me to :(( this is challenging game where reflex is key to win! great graphics, great optmization and gameplay. overall a fun game to mess with and be frustrated from!
Keny Verin
366 회 조회 05/07/2023
please I need this game back
삭제된 계정입니다
520 회 조회 09/29/2019
just need to improve ping for brazilian region
karine gama
488 회 조회 09/20/2019
I can not get in the game.
673 회 조회 10/01/2019
I want language settings and please put language settings in everygame
618 회 조회 09/19/2019
Why Can't login?full slot for test?
528 회 조회 09/19/2019
i can't login ....please fix it
8 회 조회 09/18/2019
試玩影片,https://youtu.be/Kslobmz96uY 1.想玩此遊戲先檢查手機記憶體有沒有4G以上,若是用模擬器也要先設定4G以上記憶體,因為登入遊戲前會檢查沒達到標準,若無則無法試玩。 2.先說近戰與遠攻角色的問題,近戰無鎖定命標也就是會揮空敵人,遠攻敵方可以輕鬆靠走位放風箏近戰,因為遠攻英雄只要射程夠會自動鎖定敵人(近的),在大亂鬥時射程遠更容易穩定輸出。 3.積分板問題,3V3時我方藍隊出現在右側,積分板卻顯示在左側,一開始我還搞不懂,感覺是個BUG。 4.網路不太穩定,但這也正常,畢竟還在測試階段,想要快點3級測試生存模式,卻來個斷線。
Minh Minh
1.1K 회 조회 09/22/2019
ông nào vào đc game không ? nhân tiện ai có acc wechat hay qq thừa không tui mua
Miku Nakano
3.5K 회 조회 09/18/2019
ko vào chơi dc mong nhà sản xuất fix lỗi
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