滿分為 10


Rainbow unicorn
6 瀏覽 03/16/2020
很讚的動作類型遊戲,ICON裡面的人物有點像Klay Thompson的感覺。 玩法上表現裡也很棒,體驗到中世紀冷兵器的戰鬥。 除了基礎戰鬥外,各類的操作手法,以及各類冷兵器的運用,包括遊戲天氣的變化,都是特別大的亮點。 還有還有,遊戲中可以進行大規模戰鬥,還有各類ACT的操作方式,反擊啊,彈射啊這樣的操作內容。 整體來說,四個字送給大家:超級好玩!
6 瀏覽 04/22/2019
玩不到(或者說玩不動)只狼這款遊戲的,在手機上體驗一波“迷你只狼”也是不錯的選擇。 你會在一片大草原空地上和一群手持***的敵人作戰,戰勝他們活下來是你唯一的目標。 遊戲的玩法簡單粗暴,加上移動一共也就只有攻擊、閃避、格擋和技能這幾個按鍵。由於遊戲有氣力值的限制,以及敵人也會有格擋和閃避的操作,一味地攻擊肯定是不行的,你需要適當的使用格擋來巧妙地反擊,也可以在閃避之後抓住敵人收招的空隙給予致命一擊。 不過遊戲並沒什麼太多的變化,容易玩膩。
37 瀏覽 03/16/2024
Horrible control (why don't split kicking and rolling into different buttons? I roll backward but the character just keeps going forward), trouble optimizing stamina. The gameplay idea is good, perfect graphics, but there is a lack of content or story
snap dead gaming
Fighting Games
177 瀏覽 03/23/2024
878 瀏覽 05/15/2023
It was fun all the way through. When you use the rage effect you feel god-like and the play style is a blast. That said it gets repetitive and the final level and its subsets feel more like a hassle than an experience. For a game that has obvious offline/online multi-player possibilities and could have better looking attack effects like we were playing a demon slayer game or something, it spell weakens, splutters and dies by the end when you final say, "F*ck it, let me finish it so I can brag that I could finish such a difficult game," because it does get punishingly difficult all of a sudden by the last zone.
621 瀏覽 10/20/2021
Better than Ghost of Tsushima, haha, just a joke. The environment is lush, the graphics are beautiful and the soundtrack is harmonious. Robots have a high IQ which makes the game is kind of challenging. Honestly, it really feels like you are playing a mini version of the Ghost of Tsushima. Katana fighting in slow motion made the battle so cool. Defects: Too many ADs, I often encounter bug would teleport you to another part of the map.
891 瀏覽 05/02/2023
Game works great if you're having problems with the game starting (like it did to me wouldn't start)go to the settings of the game then to battery put it unrestricted and force stop the app then start it, it worked for me :)
591 瀏覽 08/31/2021
this game is so good. the graphic was nice, the control a little bit hard but it' s okay. the enemy is not easy to kill, maybe you can improve the style of the character to make it more realistic and more effect on it
Fight against enemies in the long reeds, stab and slash them with a katana and let the blood spurt. This is the ancient way samurai and ronin fight for survival. There are no exquisite graphics and details, but it makes us awestruck nonetheless. What I like about this game: Great action style and hit, especially when you're piercing enemies with your katana. Game art is simple and low-poly, but perfect for the Japanese samurai theme.
646 瀏覽 04/06/2022
Great games for low budget mobile phones (free)
1.2K 瀏覽 06/20/2023