out of 10


Al Madi putra
0 Views 03/28/2024
3 Views 03/13/2024
Very worst game 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬
321 Views 11/07/2019
For as far as these two companies have come since HIT, they still don't seem to understand how to make a game look truly good on a mobile device. The characters are fully voiced, with animation that shows mouth movement and authentic emotion. The maps are detailed and the characters can be customized. Despite all of this, you enter a game that feels like it is on battery saver and turning the graphics to maximum leaves you with what any other game would call medium. All of that detail becomes almost meaningless when the game seems pixelated.
player ツ
Interesting online games
49K Views 05/17/2023
V4 Victory for v4
2 Views 01/29/2024
I want to English language
Admiral Kin
198 Views 11/08/2019
EDITED !!! After a struggle with this title I found it to work sorry for the late edit. The games ofc has lag issues for the most of the part when you run it with VPN, but after you can close the VPN but still have some lag. Let me start with the game and classes, and what does it provide in content of MMORPG. Well the game runs excellent (except lag) I really love the 2nd factor of class (Demon form) if the game it is a P2W, well I will say it is 70% because of the assets that have in game store for weapons and other things that raise stats. Anyway it is gorgeous, now my question it is if V4 will dominate over Lineage 2...because I am fan and I do love well constructed games in matter of mmorpg. Give it a go :)
328 Views 11/08/2019
It's a good mmorpg although it does take quite a while for you the combat to be fast paced once you've gone up some levels. The devil chaser is a really good aspect for the combat although kinda wished it was like BDM in which the cool downs aren't really long. The graphics are good espiciially when there is no hud however the shading needs improving. Speaking of HUD, I feel like it could be MUCH more simpler. A bit more optimisation and it'll be better :)
242 Views 11/08/2019
really dissapointed for can't open this game on my device. it keeps showing me can't open bcoz of my open GLS isn't 3.1 as it need to run at least my open GLS is 3.0 I m really dissapointed and wasted my time and Megabyte both to desiring play and I m done with this game to playing. congratulations NEXON you made a customer down and made disappointent , you worth for not attention to play your game so goodbye .
Albus Gamer
274 Views 11/07/2019
hi guys, i have problem to log in. i use solo vpn for log me in south korea. after start, i try to log in with google and he give me and error (-9). i tried to reinstall game and downloading in vpn but i have the same problem. my phone is an huawei p9
mücahit köse
346 Views 09/28/2019
https://www.youtube.com/user/nescafe1666 We are ready for PROJECT V 4 live channel. Watching us coming soon..
That's everything for now. Start a new game?