(10명 중)

게임 리뷰

3 회 조회 02/21/2020
클로저스 게임사가 만들었다고 들었습니다. 라노벨 못지않게 오글거리는 중2병 스토리는 좀 그렇지만 운영사(실제로는 개발사) 피드백이 빠르고 앱플레이어나 사양낮은 폰에서 실행이 잘 안되거나 로딩이 긴 문제를 어느정도 해결한 상태입니다. 보이스도 캐릭터 하나하나 추가해가고 있고요. 처음에는 만들다만 게임 같았지만 이건 V4의 실패와 그동안 인기 게임이었던 코에이 ip 관련게임을 연달아 섭종하면서 넥슨이 재촉한 결과같아요. 그러나 차츰 패치가 될수록 난이도 조정이나 잔버그들이 고쳐져서 지금은 꽤 재미있는 게임이 되었습니다. 솔직히 플레이 방식은 소녀전선과 닮은데가 많네요;;; 특히나 장점은 ssr확률이 3% 치고는 체감상 높다는 것, 일정 뽑기(채용)를 하면 마일리지가 쌓여서 원하는 ssr 또는 랜덤 ssr과 바꿀수 있다는 점과 던전에서 파밍이 가능한 4성인 R등급 중에서도 ssr에 가까운 괴랄한 성능을 지닌 유닛이 나온다는겁니다. 일단 전반부 4부 스토리까지는 꼭 ssr이 아니어도 r과 역시 자주 나오는 sr만 4성 이상(50렙 이상이죠)을 만들면 전투력 높은 친구를 데려가서 무난하게 깰수 있습니다. 또한 외전에서 확률은 낮지만 외전 등장인물들인 ssr및 sr을 파밍할수 있다는 것도 좋습니다.
2 회 조회 02/11/2020
업데이트 후 왜 게임에 참가할 수 없습니까?
2 회 조회 02/11/2020
왜 상점에 갈 수 없습니까?
sekadar ora
3 회 조회 02/16/2024
TapTap Creator
653 회 조회 02/04/2020
The game so far is great. The action is pretty cool but sadly you cannot control it. Only when the characters and units are deployed. The music is absolutely great and well down. The characters themselves are well down as well. If your looking for a more fun version of Arknights then this game is it. Full Review https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=13h8TtGGD6Q
837 회 조회 02/05/2020
This is the first and possibly the last time I will say that Nexon seems to actually understand what a player expects in a game. Like so many others, there is a ton of dialog. There is also an auto button. Unlike most others, the auto read does not treat you like you just learned how to put words into sentences. Instead, it progresses a lot like the subtitles in a show. There are some similarities in the controls and strategy to games like Arknights, but the similarity more or less ends there. This is a sidescrolling game of domination. You do a small amount of defense, but more or less focus on pushing forward.
1.4K 회 조회 11/29/2022
For idles gachas this is my favorite for the fact most the characters look and feel good so you want to stay involved and the pity system is perfect truly something all devs should have so the main motive is to use money for skins or gear hunting
Honest Reviews
319 회 조회 02/17/2020
Quick Review - Pros -Nice Animations -Very good to even perfect music in my opinion -Great artstyle -Actual thoughtful gameplay you Need to think how to to Play your Units to win and Not use Just some Auto Fight Button cough(RAID Shadow Legends) -Very polished in any way Cons -Only a Mix of korean and english language is available at the moment... its enough english to kinda barely navigate through the Game but Not enough for people who Like the Story of games
701 회 조회 02/27/2020
- Classical gameplay, old but still good, easy for new players . - Fantastic graphics, especial character motions, very lively. - Beautiful artwork, high quality and very detail. - Massive, intense combat on every map. Things to notice before playing: - Need a lot of material (and time) to max upgrade characters (without cash). - The higher the map the more tactics required, may take a lot of time (for failure) to get over it.
643 회 조회 02/06/2020
I'm getting some arknights vibes eventho this is different genre (this game is strategy too, moving node-to-node) gameplay is great, idk the language but I somehow can understand because the tutorials are very good.. gacha system is like recruit on arknights and some of ship girl games, you put money (more money = more chance getting ssr) and summon ticket.. also, you can have....tanks, helicopters... as your waifu! I mean... you can summon them 👀
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