滿分為 10


7 瀏覽 02/28/2022
試玩影片,https://youtu.be/kG37Y0K1RSY 1.《怪獸超級聯賽》是一款韓國發行廠商《4:33》於2016 年上架的星獸捕捉型養成 RPG 手遊,Play 商店目前下載次數 500萬+、4.5 顆星。開啟遊戲後的更新檔大約 1GB,下載速度還算快,只玩了一下圖片滑動拼圖小遊戲就載好了。 2.進入遊戲先看劇情介紹,從畫質看來看 5 年前的手遊表現確實比較模糊一點,創角階段可分為男女別以及 3 個造型。 3.遊戲玩法可以捕獲星獸來收集圖鑑,星獸也能從轉蛋中抽卡取得。起初會送我們 3 種屬性(火、木、水),其中火屬性為「狐女」,看遊戲的介紹是可以進化為「九尾狐」,簡單說就是幼女→少女→成女的美少女養成機制。 4.總的來說,抓寶類型的遊戲最紅的是當前的寶可夢系列,這款手遊也有搭上這個玩法,星獸能養成進化成美少女。成為星獸使加入家族。捕捉藏身拉特西亞大陸各地的星獸。
33 瀏覽 04/08/2024
this game is fun just if you have a certain monster/ally you’re rolling for you’re most likely not going to get them. For the 5+ years this game has been going on for, the pot is so diluted that your chances of picking a specific ally is so slim (unless it’s an event). But this storyline is really nice, plus honestly you could probably do 2 ten pulls every day if you play for a bit. It’s extremely easy to get gems and coins so that is never an option. Try the game, honestly I’m just waiting to see if the rumors of MSL 2 will ever go somewhere.
Arpit Singh
6 瀏覽 04/02/2024
Most fun ever
Agung M Saputra
826 瀏覽 01/13/2023
Love it will always be like
43 瀏覽 05/13/2021
This is even worse garbage than summoners war (1&2 combined). it's s BIG nah-uh! If you want a really good game and 💯% F2P and not think about 🐋,you should try King's Raid. Nuff said.
35 瀏覽 03/06/2022
Played for an hour and got bored cuz damn it's boring to me, I'd rather play pokemon on gameboy or somethin
Honkai G
20 瀏覽 10/09/2021
fuck trash game im already told u to fix the sound for all phone for all device why u always silent
Trịnh Hồng Ân
34 瀏覽 11/16/2019
the game is really great but the rate hurt me so much that I have to give it 2 stars
Sakura Haruka
520 瀏覽 02/23/2022
Great game, yes, still some soft or need improve but really it's a game that have great potential!!
Agung M Saputra
91 瀏覽 05/15/2022
that's grail so nice but catch astromon so many bored to waiting and battle just flat...