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5 瀏覽 04/17/2019
這款遊戲或者可以稱之為龍騎士? 遊戲的設定為,角色可以騎在各式各樣的龍背上,操控他們進行戰鬥。不同的龍分別有不同的技能和作戰方式,攜帶的武器也可以單獨更換。 遊戲自帶真正意義上的目標鎖定,而非大多數射擊遊戲採用的半鎖定模式,完全沒有必要為打不准而煩惱。 遊戲模式為佔領據點玩法,哪方佔領了據點多即為哪方獲勝。 說到遊戲數值上。不同龍之間最終的數值差距很大,大多數值優秀的龍均需要耗費大量金錢購買。氪金帶來的數值差距並非肝和技術就能彌補的。
3 瀏覽 04/16/2019
將恐龍、機甲、射擊元素結合在了一起,遊戲從宣傳片就很吸引人。 玩法則是結合了策略的射擊遊戲,兩組人馬,要在規定時間內,佔領據點以及擊殺敵人,每個恐龍機都有不同的武器和一個基本跳躍技能,可以升級增加火力。 因為恐龍沒有明顯的克制關係,所以也就導致平衡性並不算優秀,並且也沒有太多輔助標誌按鈕,所以不容易和隊友溝通戰術。 總體而言,恐龍的元素和玩法是比較不錯的,但是平衡性和氪金點還需要優化。
5 瀏覽 04/05/2019
有没有中文啊 是个射击游戏 谷歌评分好像很低
9 瀏覽 12/27/2023
DJ Gaming Official Channel
Conquer metal monsters in this epic 5x5 shooting game! Hi everyone! This game is still in active development. We read all your comments and suggestions carefully to ensure all updates are useful. Thank you for your support! Jurassic Monster World: Dinosaur War 3D FPS is a completely new mobile game. Fight metal-plated dinosaur monsters in a post-apocalyptic world! Synchronized 5x5 PvP shooting action game with different modes! Control monsters on the ground or in the air, fully mechanized, enhanced or completely natural: make your choice!
559 瀏覽 01/10/2024
Want some Vehicle Combat? Here they are:
11K 瀏覽 08/18/2023
758 瀏覽 07/13/2019
just found the game on my google playstore as early access even though the game ady out pretty long ago & 1m+ downloaded wow! the game is moba shooter with dinosaur & mecha theme (high advanced technology) . well the game is decent , theres aerial combat too & can switch out many weapons. but since hard to get currency the game become hellish grindy game (including the lv too) unless you drop a case full of money on this game 🤣 . controls good but need some polishing in some sectors .early game felt quite not interesting , just full confrontation.
535 瀏覽 06/12/2022
Guys!!!!!This game is worth your time,its greatest dino game you will ever see. Its quite funny that dinos fiht with guns but.......its a great game,Download it NOW. Many dinosaurs are there to collect,great graphics,team deathmatch, make freinds,buy more riders,ROBO DINOS and etc.DOWNLOAD IT NOW!!!!!
New Game 2k23
9.5K 瀏覽 08/12/2023
Partying NoobCrusher's Mom
Physics is working!
12K 瀏覽 08/09/2023