滿分為 10


9 瀏覽 04/30/2019
遊戲有幾個比較大的問題。首先,遊戲的射擊按鈕位置不能隨意調整,只能選擇擺放左側右側還是兩側皆有,這讓玩家在移動的時候容易誤觸。 第二,玩家射擊結束縮回障礙物的時候會有延遲,往往在這一瞬間會被敵人掃掉一大半的血。 第三,這遊戲其實沒有真正的爆頭,雖然有headshot的標誌,但是依照我的判斷其實是在玩家給予敵人最後一擊時,擊彈點在頭部才會顯示。我近距離朝著敵人的頭連發他也沒一擊斃命... 第四,隊友的命也太短了,就算一開場給你兩個隊友,但是過三分鐘基本上就全死光。 第五,地圖間的難易度差距太大,敵人的血量與裝甲厚度提升過快。 最後,這個遊戲真的可惜,射擊手感、人物、光影、建模其實還不錯,但是玩個三四局就會開始膩了,遊戲性太差。
1 瀏覽 09/27/2020
第三人稱射擊遊戲,主要樂趣在於地圖內迂回作戰,搶劫後逃出層層包圍圈,現時已經有了比較豐富的地圖及敵人類型。前期只要不是太莽,通關不會太難,後續關卡複雜度和警詧强度上去後,可能就需要反復獲取資源來强化自身了。 這也就是另一方面來自於搶劫後使用金錢獲取裝備、陞級裝備與定制裝備的樂趣。當前版本,遊戲內的裝備和配件數量已經相當豐富,可以支撐起很長一段時間的新鮮感,讓你可以利用不同的裝備來反復刷,一定程度上緩解了刷資源時的單調感。 而且在戰鬥過程中,還會有著隊友,他們的行為模式讓人摸不著頭腦,每次還會不一樣,經常能給你帶來一些奇怪的驚喜,也算是遊戲比較有意思的地方。 但現時來說,遊戲操作手感欠佳,大概是因為它設定上偏向於掩體後射擊,所以在自由運動方面不够流暢。
3 瀏覽 05/14/2019
2 瀏覽 08/22/2021
6 瀏覽 04/09/2024
This is a GREAT game!!!! It has amazing gameplay and #1 tps that android has.
Bradley James
37 瀏覽 02/16/2024
Game not starting it was playing before but just stopped 😔
Thank you guys for the 💯 followers 😁 so here's 100 random mobile games 👍 (Part 1)
226 瀏覽 02/06/2024
Kip's Mobile
1.5K 瀏覽 12/15/2022
Armed Heist Armed Heist is a third person shooter in which the main objective is, you guessed it., robbery.  The game is reminiscent of Payday and Payday  2  Except for the fact that i actually like this game. The game starts off rather slow with you excaping a bank ad taking out a few...officials. Fine. Fair enough.  however the game does tend to pick up the pace at a fairly reasonable rate. There are a few different elements buillt into any given heist, most of wchich consist of a drill.  You drill into ATMs, Armored trucks, or Safes,  That part is all well and good but thos are all really just mechanisms in place to initiate timers and give your kiling spree a purpose.  As these respective timers count down you then need to protect your drill whilst fending off waves of....officials.  Stay alive until your getaway driver gets there and make your way to the truck. Mission Complete. Simple enough right?
ARMED HEIST: Shooting Gun Game Gameplay (Android,iOS)
2K 瀏覽 10/09/2022
37 瀏覽 06/14/2023
Game starts with a good pace (except by the long waiting time to open boxes), and it is a nice game to play, especially with friends, but after you unlock the 9th Region there is no longer a progression feeling. Even though the weapons and armor will keep increasing in price to upgrade, the rewards you get will stay at the same rate. Gameplay wise, the enemy behavior really needs a rework and in some levels, enemy spawn points should be fixed.