Sniper 3D Assassin - Shooting Gamesのキャプチャ
Sniper 3D Assassin - Shooting Gamesのキャプチャ
Sniper 3D Assassin - Shooting Gamesのキャプチャ
Sniper 3D Assassin - Shooting Gamesのキャプチャ
Sniper 3D Assassin - Shooting Gamesのキャプチャ
Sniper 3D Assassin - Shooting Gamesのキャプチャ
Sniper 3D Assassin - Shooting Gamesのキャプチャ
Sniper 3D Assassin - Shooting Games

Sniper 3D Assassin - Shooting Games

会社 Fun Shooting Games For Free
5,840 ダウンロード7,619 フォロワー

Terrorists are back now! As the elite sniper of Special Force you are sent on the most dangerous mission. You'll have to hunt down all the terrorists in a limited time. Through each level, Try to kill your enemies before they defeat you. Will shoot accurately, stay alive!

The time to take action and strike back is now! Prove your shooting and reaction skills in this new challenge game. Train in becoming the ultimate and the best sniper!

Just remember, a top sniper can fight by himself with a whole army! Choose from different scenes and show us your assassination skills! Prepare yourself for the army and practice your shooting skills with a powerful sniper rifle. Be Careful and Good Luck!




1.1K 閲覧 06/07/2023
Toooooo!!! Many ads ..every time 1 minute..this game is garbage pure 100%