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14 瀏覽 08/14/2019
標準的韓國MMORPG,開場CG十分精緻,也明確的給玩家傳達出了這是一個有射手有法師,有坦克有刺客,有壯漢有蘿莉,有BOSS也有小怪的遊戲。 進入遊戲後需要額外下載4.2G的內容,建議預留充足的手機內存以及耐心,下載速度非常非常的慢。此外,遊戲對於手機的配置要求很高,配置過低會導致各種手機發熱以及卡頓。當然只有最高的畫質,和4G的內存才能承載這麼精細的畫面吧,遊戲的視覺效果是很棒的!不得不說韓國遊戲的CG質量真的高! 但是!遊戲只有韓文,十分勸退,對於有語言障礙的玩家非常不友好。這裡推薦喜歡高畫質MMORPG、手機配置較高,並且有一定韓語基礎的玩家去試試!
3 瀏覽 08/14/2019
一款MMO類型的遊戲,目前沒有語言設置,只提供韓語,希能能儘快推出其他服。 世界觀完整,劇情尚可,但畫質一般,戰鬥的時候會有點模糊,手機配置不高惡話會有輕微卡頓。 戰鬥方面可以手動操作,也可以開自動,對玩家的要求並不高。
2 瀏覽 08/14/2019
標準的韓系MMO,胸大有看點。 玩法就是標準的MMORPG,並沒有特色。勝在韓系遊戲的畫面戰鬥比較華麗。對人物角色有愛可以試試,打擊感手感還是不錯的!
2 瀏覽 08/14/2019
畫面一如既往的好評!說實話遊戲本身作為 mmorpg 的類型表現一般,該有的都有但也不會太驚艷,就是換個口味養老婆。氪金需求並不大,遊戲荒、畫面控的玩家完全可以試試。
2 瀏覽 08/14/2019
就掛tera的皮內容就免洗的 雙刀沒形態轉換 4職感覺差不多
jh p
3 瀏覽 08/21/2019
1.2K 瀏覽 06/19/2022
this games description is in English but the game is in Korean so what the heck is up with that? The game's not even playable. Right after cinematic scene when you open the game it just closes the game with an error message. Seriously
621 瀏覽 03/04/2022
I love Tera, but let me go on a TapTap rant. I get so upset when I see all these awesome games that aren't in english. there should be some sort of filter on TapTap that allows English games or Korean games that have some English translations. I'm tired of getting my hopes up, looking at a great game, only to find out I can't play it. This game looks awesome and this isn't a real review, but I would love to review it, if I could actually understand it and play it.
658 瀏覽 08/13/2019
I really like this new version of tera compared to tera m, this one feels like a tru PC port the graphics are amazing, beautiful open world to explore, the combat is very fun and smooth, the cgi cutscene's are epic, my only issue is the gender lock when choosing a character other than that the game is perfect. dispite the 5.3 gigs to install but it's big for a reason their is soo much to do in this game. must play if u got the space lol graet job devs! 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟
Ailtøn Rødrigue
301 瀏覽 08/14/2019
One of the worst gaming experiences I've ever had Another poor mobile game made by developers who don't give a damn about what the mmo community wants. Full auto! Really? wtf? Well.. Anyways.. This game will die 2 months after it's officially released. that's guaranteed