Crossout Mobile —PvP行動遊戲截圖
Crossout Mobile —PvP行動遊戲截圖
Crossout Mobile —PvP行動遊戲截圖
Crossout Mobile —PvP行動遊戲截圖
Crossout Mobile —PvP行動遊戲截圖
Crossout Mobile —PvP行動遊戲截圖
Crossout Mobile —PvP行動遊戲截圖
Crossout Mobile —PvP行動遊戲截圖
Crossout Mobile —PvP行動遊戲截圖
Crossout Mobile —PvP行動遊戲截圖
Crossout Mobile —PvP行動遊戲截圖
Crossout Mobile —PvP行動遊戲截圖
Crossout Mobile —PvP行動遊戲截圖
Crossout Mobile —PvP行動遊戲截圖
Crossout Mobile —PvP行動遊戲截圖
Crossout Mobile —PvP行動遊戲截圖
Crossout Mobile —PvP行動遊戲截圖
Crossout Mobile —PvP行動遊戲截圖
Crossout Mobile —PvP行動遊戲截圖
Crossout Mobile —PvP行動遊戲截圖
Crossout Mobile —PvP行動遊戲截圖
Crossout Mobile —PvP行動遊戲截圖
Crossout Mobile —PvP行動遊戲截圖
Crossout Mobile —PvP行動遊戲截圖
Crossout Mobile —PvP行動

Crossout Mobile —PvP行動

廠商 Gaijin Distribution KFT
44,635 下載32,715 追蹤



*** 團隊作戰 *** 加入6對6玩家的PvP戰鬥或加入PvE模式。創建或加入戰隊​​來和朋友一起暢玩。無情的末日後戰鬥將證明誰是最好的車手!

*** 打造你獨一無二的載具*** 重型裝甲車、靈活的越野車、多用途馬車或戰鬥機器人——打造符合你遊戲風格的玩法。使用新部件來改造戰鬥載具,你可以在PvE模式摧毀機器人或在PvP模式擊敗其他玩家來贏得部件。數以百計的部件和數百萬種組合!

*** 獨特的傷害模型*** 射擊敵人載具的任何部件——癱瘓它或讓它毫無防衛。站好狙擊位置並從遠處射擊敵人,或進行近距離戰鬥。把你的敵人四分五裂!

*** 龐大的軍火庫*** 機關槍、火箭發射器、大口徑大炮,甚至轉輪機槍。選擇並組合任何槍支來展現最大力量。

*** 陣營*** 工程師、博派與其他陣營。在末日後團體的旗幟下戰鬥,這會獎勵你新部件和特殊技能!

*** 令人驚嘆的畫面*** 壯觀的效果、遊戲競技場中的絢麗風景以及末日後的氛圍。探索許多不同的戰鬥競技場來取得超越對手的優勢。站好狙擊位置並從遠處射擊敵人,或進行近距離戰鬥!

***常規遊戲活動*** 參加獨特的遊戲內活動,完成這些活動就能獲得稀有獎勵和額外經驗!在遊戲中開闢全新且刺激的視野!

*** 以第一名完成 *** 在PvP模式下與來自世界各地的真實玩家戰鬥。定期更新和全新載具會讓你維持新鮮感。邀請你的好友在生存之戰中一起戰鬥!成為世界末日後最勇敢的英雄!"

滿分為 10



A Critical Evaluation of Crossout Mobile: PvP Action
457 瀏覽 07/17/2023
Crossout Mobile, the long-awaited mobile adaptation of the popular vehicular combat game, Crossout, has finally hit the mobile gaming scene. As a professional gamer with a penchant for action-packed titles, I've spent a considerable amount of time delving into the intricacies of this mobile PvP experience. In this review, I aim to provide an objective assessment of the game's strengths and weaknesses.
1.3K 瀏覽 01/20/2023
It's so heavily monetized and p2w there's no point in playing such a laggy and unfair game.
One star because you copied other games
465 瀏覽 11/04/2022
be original and stop copyrighting the exact same games we have. Look below we already have your game lol.
One of perfect game adaptation from PC to Mobile. The combat style and vehicle build mechanic is great balance. The graphics is beautiful as I can say. Combat like Twisted Metal game.
720 瀏覽 12/15/2022
TapTap Creator
Top 25 Multiplayer & Online PvP Android/iOS Games to play in 2022! [With Friends]
98K 瀏覽 03/19/2022
Joker's Den
TOP 10 Best PC/Console Games to Android & iOS 2023 Part 2 🎮
8.7K 瀏覽 06/22/2023
TapTap Creator
4 BEST Mobile Games of the Week
7.6K 瀏覽 05/31/2022
This week's episode includes the following 4 games:
Shivansh Patel
Follow me
2K 瀏覽 07/14/2022
Senseï Glitch
Autoshooting is boring and ruins your fun. (and skill)
683 瀏覽 07/02/2022
I had too big expectations for this game. It's a bootleg faster world of tanks with autoshooting on by default, too heavy aim assist and janky car controls... Instead of an analog you could use a d-pad . The game has autoshooting. If a game has a function like this you know that your skills aren't mandatory. It's too automated. I would not recommend playing these games, especially if you play something competitive.
1star for a simple fact
964 瀏覽 11/04/2022
we already have like 7 copys of this be original and different. Stop being lazy and stop coping games we already have. Look we have your game already lol stop coping the exact games we already have.