全球行动 게임 스크린 샷
全球行动 게임 스크린 샷
全球行动 게임 스크린 샷
全球行动 게임 스크린 샷
全球行动 게임 스크린 샷

全球行动 CN

개발사 활동
Publisher 极光计划
Developer 乐逗游戏
9,693 다운로드4,344 팔로우

《全球行动》是《战争与艺术3:全球冲突》(Art of War 3)的正版国服。作为正统即时战略手游,《全球行动》延续了电脑经典RTS游戏的精髓。在这个现代军事战争题材的游戏世界里,你能享受到最酣畅淋漓的战斗乐趣。

************* 游戏特色 *************

【核心玩法 高度还原】
- 单局玩法涵盖RTS游戏三要素:资源运营、操作深度和战场策略
● 资源运营:采用了双资源设定:物资用于部署建筑和生产单位;电力用于维持建造生产。有限的资源需要合理的调配
● 操作深度:除了可以用全选的方式全军出击外,还设计了多种选择单位的方式,和编队操作,支持多线作战,保留了秀操作空间
● 战场策略:战局瞬息万变,需要实时关注对手策略并即时快速的做出反应和调整

【公平竞技 多人对战】
- 技术为王,拒绝数值不平衡。公平对战,无需养成等待
- 除了3v3排位赛之外,还有自定义模式,可以进行1v1,2v2和3v3模式的对战。更有OB模式,方便随时进行赛事和直播

【百变战场 丰富模式】
- 已经开放战役、人机等多种模式,满足喜欢剧情、PVE的玩家,无需担心竞技的压力,单纯享受玩一局的乐趣
- 未来还将有更多丰富好玩的模式满足更多玩家的需求

(10명 중)

게임에 평점 주기

최신 활동

French Enjoyer
0 회 조회 9h
It's kinda worth it, no upgrades needed (not the one in game, the one when you need to upgrade their weapons, health and speed), and even similar to red alert 3 but mobile (I played it before when I was 13 or 14)
damn it
40 회 조회 01/15/2024
How to install it
Grey Hat Aow3
1.3K 회 조회 08/06/2023
I'm playing the RTS game Art of War 3. I've spent years looking for something like this on mobile. Awesome graphics, PvP battles with real opponents, clans, tournaments, Сo-op, etc. Download it ASAP, so we can play together! https://redirect.appmetrica.yandex.com/serve/169878688668608468?recruiter_id=1119176683
Emon Gmail
919 회 조회 07/15/2023
Where's the game have gone?
137 회 조회 01/06/2024
EThis game was the best thing that ever happened in my life. I'm very sad that the developers didn't continue to support it.
M Kamran Aow3
1.4K 회 조회 08/25/2023
Here is the download link for this awesome game: https://redirect.appmetrica.yandex.com/serve/169878688668608468?recruiter_id=1122038877 I play the most sensational mobile real-time strategy game - Art of War 3. Download it, too, and we'll play together!
The Best Games for Android/IOS .Part 1
1.9K 회 조회 11/16/2022
andi ramadhani
1.3K 회 조회 12/27/2022
kwhy is it that I want to download it so it's difficult even though I want to log in
951 회 조회 11/25/2022
Can you please aadd english language because i don't  understand Chinese and i don't know how to sign in
Art Of War 3
1.6K 회 조회 11/28/2021
I couldn't get this to run. Has anyone had success with this?
지금은 이게 전부예요. 새로운 게임을 시작할래요?