滿分為 10


30 瀏覽 04/29/2019
2D像素風格的MMORPG 遊戲裏有三個職業 戰士法師弓箭手 (其實沒有什麽區別啦) 進入遊戲需要穩定的網絡工具 進遊戲後需要取個名字才能使用各項功能 如果很卡請選擇Asia服務器 平常就是打打怪做做任務 遇到好心人還會送給你裝備 遊戲內是全英文 不過很容易看懂 遊戲裏用英文交流的比較多 沒有什麽氪金點 平時無聊點點就可以 適合夕陽紅養老玩家
Even in 2024, MMORPGs are still worth trying.
967 瀏覽 6d
58 瀏覽 01/12/2024
Ok. Good to leave the stress behind and chill killing something u know :) Simple 2d mmo, 3 classes you can choose from anytime on same character, there is a trading in game too.
Perfect MMORPG game you ever had..
214 瀏覽 05/07/2022
this game is perfectly balance... Cool concept of training system that doesn't instantly op just by leveling or just training... No limitation of level make player freely play without worrying getting chased by other player for reaching above you that just to P2W player... Boss raid with hundred of player without getting lag or frame drop make me happy... Server that freely across that make us flexing everything everywhere with everyone... Just need solution for end game player that having problem with slower train...
1.2K 瀏覽 08/20/2023
This game is what got me into video games it is such a beautiful masterpiece of a game the online the enemies and most importantly the shop system great work!
ThE Unknown
games you should try/fun games
16K 瀏覽 12/03/2023
Best Pixel Game
5.8K 瀏覽 07/19/2023
f n a f
2.4K 瀏覽 08/19/2023
anti distance
349 瀏覽 09/16/2021
please give me gold my name on game Biot Mili
Windeel Wyeth O
433 瀏覽 11/08/2019
nice game not pay to win