평점 부족

게임 리뷰

2 회 조회 07/31/2019
그래픽 부분이랑 시작후 조금씩 끊기는 감이 있으나, 게임하는데 심하게 지장이 없으며 여러가지 기능들이 타 축구게임에 비해 너무 뒤떨어지지 않을 정도를 유지하고있고 타유저들과 배틀할수있는 멀티기능 봇과 할수있는 Ai모드 두가지를 갖추고있고 유저간 경쟁을 부추기는 랭킹전 시스템이 있어 플레이해본 축구게임중 유일하게 랭킹 시스템을 갖춘게임이라 정말 신박했고 굳이 인앱결제를 하지 않더라도 게임내 이벤트, 플레이 보상등으로도 충분히 게임을 할수있다는 점이 맘에들게하는 게임 전체적으로 그래픽 ☆☆☆☆ 게임내 이벤트☆☆☆☆☆ 현질유저와 일반유저간 격차 ☆ (적음)
1 회 조회 03/15/2020
게임안에서는 업데이트 하라는데 탭에서는 업데이트가 안뜨네요?
마토이 류코
4 회 조회 12/10/2021
게임 로그인이 안됨 장애 병신겜.
2 회 조회 11/09/2019
저는 왜 게임을실행하면 스토어에 들어가지고 거주국가에서는 안된다고 써있나요?
3 회 조회 01/01/2022
게임이 안열림
Saif Sonok
7 회 조회 04/10/2024
Very nice game.i really want to play this
1K 회 조회 03/04/2020
It is rare that I see this about the mobile game but I can definitely say that I have little to no complaints about this game. The last time I had this much fun on a mobile football game was playing dream league 2019. Now that the made 2020, I had all longer wish to continue with their franchise. Prior to that, I was playing real football but they did the same thing that dream league has done. I'm happy to say that this is not the case with this football series and I hope it stays on for a long time.
Tilt Game Kernel
1.1K 회 조회 07/31/2019
I will not be giving a full review on this game since there is already a good one. I just think that this game is just fairly good but too far from FIFA. As I have noticed the gameplay of this game is much automatic and I find it harder to control the players because of being semi-automatic as they will be moving on their own. Gamepay Video https://youtu.be/PoV99R4OrUY
708 회 조회 01/16/2022
we regret to inform you that service for this has stopped, we thank you for the support and invite you to enjoy our other titles WTF...... I download it today for hope of playing netease soccer game but 😓 Is it fixable? Can anyone help me.
375 회 조회 04/05/2020
The game has a good graphics but the gameplay is terrible. The players move weirdly. The goalkeepers are useless. It feels like im playing ultimate football which is a game from like 7 years ago. The only good thing is the graphics and thats it. I dont recommend it and its getting 3 stars from me.
지금은 이게 전부예요. 새로운 게임을 시작할래요?