Infinitode 2 - 無限塔防遊戲截圖
Infinitode 2 - 無限塔防遊戲截圖
Infinitode 2 - 無限塔防遊戲截圖
Infinitode 2 - 無限塔防遊戲截圖
Infinitode 2 - 無限塔防遊戲截圖
Infinitode 2 - 無限塔防遊戲截圖
Infinitode 2 - 無限塔防遊戲截圖
Infinitode 2 - 無限塔防遊戲截圖
Infinitode 2 - 無限塔防

Infinitode 2 - 無限塔防 台服

廠商 Prineside
1,108 下載10,556 追蹤

這個塔防戰略遊戲(TD)中的每一場遊戲都無窮無盡 - 迎擊無數敵人,一波又一波!


- 簡化、優化、小尺寸但功能完備:14種不同的塔樓,11種敵人,老闆,礦工,傳送,障礙,修改器,資源……
- 超過40個不同級別,具有排行榜和大量任務 - 沒有無盡的磨練!
- 塔樓獲得經驗、能力、不同的瞄準策略,並可以大幅升級
- 礦工可以挖掘資源用於新的全球升級
- 地圖編輯器可以用每場遊戲贏得的資源構建任何地圖。
- 音樂曲目存儲在地圖中,使用合成器播放!玩家可以創建包含任何音樂的精彩地圖,並與他人分享。
- 巨大的永久升級樹(超過300個不同研究)。
- 完成核心任務获取诸多獎杯(3D!)
- 每場遊戲的詳細統計數據
- 將已儲存的遊戲與個人電腦或任何其他可用設備同步。
- 通關遊戲解鎖具有無限可能的開發者模式!
- 沒有廣告,一切都可以免費解鎖!

滿分為 10



99 瀏覽 12/25/2023
One of the best tower defense game i've ever played! Simple story, various  soundtrack, addictive gameplay only packed with just about 30mb.Highly recommended!!
34 瀏覽 02/10/2024
Best TD game
Helios BlueFlame
A honest review of Infintode 2
667 瀏覽 02/25/2023
I really love playing Infinitode 2 because of its simple to learn, but hard to master tower mechanics. But generally, here are a few reasons why Infinitode 2 is considered a good game: - Infinitode 2 offers a complex and challenging gameplay experience that requires strategic planning and careful resource management to succeed. The game offers a variety of tower types, each with their strengths and weaknesses, and requires the player to think critically about how to best use them.
1.1K 瀏覽 10/21/2022
Im just putting a random game i have up so i can speak about what "stealth games" i enjoy playing cause in all consideration, a lot of shooter games i play arent stealthy at all but the way i play the game is considered in a sense smart and stealthy. So Call of Duty, Overwatch 2, Tom Clancy, hell even battle royale games like Apex Legends and Fortnite, lets not forget Assassin's Creed, Hitman, Elden Ring and Dark Souls.
1K 瀏覽 06/24/2023
A fantastic TD game. I don't play it anymore personally since after one of the major updates it erased my save that had 2-3years of playtime but that shouldn't stop others from trying this amazing game out!
TapTap Creator
Top 10 Mobile TOWER DEFENSE Games of 2022 | Best Android & iOS Tower Defense 2022
15K 瀏覽 06/11/2022