滿分為 10


6 瀏覽 08/26/2020
湯姆克蘭西:攻堅特勤——育碧式的“降維打擊” 育碧玩家心中總有一種“因愛生恨”的情愫,《全境封鎖》裡是bug橫行不作為,《彩虹六號》裡是土豆服務器的祖傳藝能,《刺客信條》裡是填鴨式的開放世界設計,雖然槽點是很多,但玩家還是停不下來對育碧遊戲的喜愛。 這樣的莫名情愫也出現在了在育碧的系列手游中,你怕育碧的手游不來,你也怕它亂來。 如果有人告訴你,在一款手游中,你可以同時玩到《彩虹六號》《細胞分裂》《全境封鎖》等育碧IP宇宙中的明星角色,你的第一反應會是什麼? 玩家可能想這是不是一款充滿策略元素的射擊遊戲,頭部遊戲研發商可能會想隨便給我一個IP我都能整火,發行商可能會想這麼多IP在一起得要多少版權金。 帶著這樣的憧憬,我打開了這款《湯姆克蘭西:攻堅特勤》。我對它的期待原本是育碧在做“降維打擊”,然後發現和那個《刺客信條》手游一樣,只有降維,沒有打擊。 對於習慣湯姆克蘭西系列的玩家來說,首先懵逼的就是,這竟然不是一款射擊遊戲?這裡沒有多人剛槍、沒有暗區、沒有團隊合作副本,唯一值得欣慰的是戰鬥還是帶槍的。
3 瀏覽 09/22/2019
1 瀏覽 03/16/2020
2 瀏覽 03/18/2020
3 瀏覽 06/02/2020
3 瀏覽 09/10/2019
Admiral Kin
654 瀏覽 04/10/2020
⏬Tom Clancy's The Avengers ⏬ ➡️For those in love by tactical games and title like this Unisoft say's NO,...here we develop the most famous title in our platform to a small platform but wait here nothing works without shards and star upgrade, maybe they see this one a wafiu strategy game and a Gatcha priorities . Normally my reviews are long...but....yeah I am skipin this title for many reasons 🙄....
780 瀏覽 03/20/2020
For a game that is still pre-registered, this ge is pretty good but there are still some problems in the game, namely: 1. The graphic quality still looks bad and blurred 2. internet connection problems. It's just that in my opinion the rest is good. Hopefully this game will continue to grow and become the top 1
330 瀏覽 03/17/2020
Yup, it's just as bad as I thought it would be. If I had Nokia 3310 then this game would be a banger. But since my phone is more of a gaming console, I'd prefer to play console like games. I expect much much more from Ubisoft. I knew what this game was going to be but I thought I'd give it a shot anyway, but the game is just so boring.. it plays itself. They wasted their time making this crap. Could've made Rainbow Six Siege for mobile instead. Just look how far Activision is going with mobile games. Ubisoft making games from 2009 over here.
Mistwalker Gami
379 瀏覽 03/24/2020
So far playing a few things that could use a change is graphics characters look great but cliping and shadings is horrible. Gatcha for characters are a little high 550 for a chance is a bit much. Events power levels jump pretty fast and rewards are a bit low for your efforts. Overall you hit walls where you have to wait to get new characters to progress in some mission or campaign. Connections also take for every to connect. Hopefully the full game brings more when released.