滿分為 10


4 瀏覽 07/08/2021
試玩影片,https://youtu.be/oVyTXUzf5B0 1.《復甦的魔女》是一款唯美像素風的魔女養成探索 RPG,於 7 月 8 日上午 10 點正式上線。 2.我們將扮演失憶的魔女來到一座高塔,遇到了稱呼我們為主人的侍女,為了找回記憶需要收集散落塔中的鏡之碎片。召喚人偶美少女組成三人小隊在塔中探險打怪破除機關。 3.遊戲的風格相當的日式 RPG,音樂與 2D 立繪表現上都很不錯,也有日語聲優配音。戰鬥系統採用雙能量釋放技能的獨特系統,除了能自動恢復能量的部分,還有施放技能後累積的能量。 4.完成 20 分鐘的教學,通關1-1、1-2 後可以來個 100 次重置 10 連抽,可以抽到 UR 角色,抽到滿意的角色後再確定即可。 5.總的來說,遊戲整體表現相當不錯,戰鬥系統為半即時戰鬥,我們需要做的是手動點擊技能,不是無腦的全自動,需要分配好恢復、攻擊、支援。
3 瀏覽 07/12/2021
這根本不給大陸以外地區玩 有點淡淡的哀傷
2 瀏覽 07/19/2021
2 瀏覽 07/08/2021
2 瀏覽 07/09/2021
394 瀏覽 07/13/2021
Don't let the rate tricks you since the reason why it is so low rated is partially by people complaining either about login method or the "there is no english = 1*" people.This game is unexpected very good, the core gameplay is a combination of rpg and turnbase with pixel art( don't worry the unit are 2d and l2d, only their combat sprite are pixel).Even though there is a language barrier, the gameplay is simple enough even a 12 yrs-old would know how to play the game.The gacha system is decent, not too bad not too good but the game is pretty generous with resources and gifts.The character design are unique so characters don't overlap each other.The only part of the game that I don't quite enjoy is the va as I'm not really fond of Chinese Va but again va aren't important parts of the game so I don't mind it.
gummer guy
230 瀏覽 07/07/2021
if the games just for your country, please take a note at there, write it, just for China country, waste my time to download it
Trung Lê Đức
270 瀏覽 07/08/2021
This game is really good. You have 100 rerolls right from the start so 1 UR + 1 SSR guaranteed. You also have another 20 rolls for free. The gameplay is interesting by adding many puzzles and the landscape is unique for each chapter but the auto-play system and the number of skills of each character disappointed me a bit. The amount of contents that you can play on the first day is huge as I have already played it for about 8 hours and still have many things to do.
132 瀏覽 07/07/2021
pls fix the login method with google or facebook/twitter so everyone can play plz
john warthson
272 瀏覽 07/15/2021
It took me more than half a day and still couldn't set up an account because of this so called Chinese phone number. I haven't played it yet so I can't rate it all, but I hope the game can be released internationally to experience it