滿分為 10


31 瀏覽 07/27/2019
試玩影片,https://youtu.be/IE3YYjl1XBA 1.遊戲簡介極短沒有其他資訊,語言可以選擇繁中,雖說內容也沒多少字。 2.屬於半回合制的非即時戰鬥玩法,可以在自己的回合點擊想出招的順序,感受不到有連擊系統。 3.遊戲中沒看到儲值系統也無廣告,只有簡單的地圖打怪玩法。所以說,這遊戲到底是怎麼營利,難道只是釋出一個半成品,來試試水溫?
3 瀏覽 07/29/2019
吸血鬼有時候無法攻擊 整個卡死
2 瀏覽 08/02/2019
3 瀏覽 08/03/2019
Zeroentity - RPG Gameplay (Android / IOS) | NEW CBT
17 瀏覽 08/18/2022
10 瀏覽 04/11/2024
Exactly As The Name - Zero Fiction
1.9K 瀏覽 02/27/2023
I'm giving this one two stars and both of them are for the girls. The game menu is clean and ad/store free but also that's because the game has no microtransactions, currency, grinding, or not really much of anything actually. It appears like a visual novel menu, it basically has "New Game" and I forgot what the other button is. The starting dialogue is pretty strong with "in the beginning there was nothing but then anime girls".
860 瀏覽 07/27/2019
Offline games are rare these days, so I want to give this one more credit for being available when I don't have internet access. This reminds me of "The Last Crown" without the complexity of the cards. The mechanics are extremely simple and there is little strategy required. For such a short game, this could have been more of a focus. The graphics are good, but at the cost of very little optimization. Setting high graphics causes the minor skills to lag and prevents any sort of quick execution. On medium, there are far less hiccups. The difference in graphics is clearly visible when switching, which invites the question of what device was meant to use high, if not a recent one.
228 瀏覽 12/18/2023
Okay here's what i thinking, there's 7 or 8 stage in this game idk i forget about it, just 8, not 1-1 or 1-12 and so on, it's pretty short and the gameplay itself pretty boring nothing new, and there's couple ending in the game and i just completed 1 ending, its ending A(maybe there's an ending B and C whatever). And yup, that's it, not worth of your time, or maybe, this is just a prototype of some project? Who knows?
Mitsuki kaguya
356 瀏覽 12/05/2023
What is going on with games this days ? This game right here look very good. But actually, when you try it, you'll see how weird it is. You cannot play normally it not even a open world. So I don't get. What is the point of you download in such a game?  Just because you have too many space on your mobile phone doesn't mean that you need to fool your phone with such crap, so save your space. Save your time and don't download this shit.