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8 瀏覽 09/12/2019
試玩影片,https://youtu.be/cqnpWs2BqfY 1.這是一款殭屍射擊小遊戲,遊戲很流暢也很簡單,沒有強制性廣告。 2.比較可惜的是殭屍造型比較單一,沒有特別的暴力或血腥少了爽快感。攻擊到車子或是其他東西沒有破壞效果,也沒有道具可以撿拾。 3.通關後會獲得少許金幣以及卡片,透過金幣和一定數量的卡片可以升級武器與技能,若是等不及也可以氪金買金幣或是看一下AD。
2 瀏覽 03/07/2020
看到是vivid出的新遊戲,至少質量上應該會不太差。 玩了一會,感覺 + 畫面比較有趣,有一種末世城市開放探索的感覺 + 操作和優化還不錯,就算僵屍多也不會卡頓 + 人物可以通過關卡直接獲得,不多也不少 + 沒有強制廣告 再說下需要改進的地方: - 模式目前只有關卡模式,可玩的地方太少 - 關卡主要是完成3個任務過關,變化性不大,如果有更多目標或者關卡內隨機事件會更有趣 - 裝備比較少,培養方式還是和CR一樣,獲得重複升級
4 瀏覽 03/07/2020
遊戲是比較休閒的射擊闖關生存 可以透過完成關卡獲得角色卡碎片還有武器碎片等等。 操作簡單容易,可以收集的武器和角色還算多樣,比較適合殺時間。 缺點:關卡重複性比較高,關卡的條件達成比較重複,希望可以多點不同的挑戰方式和怪物種類,這樣可以更增加遊戲的可玩性還有黏性呢
3 瀏覽 05/03/2020
siyah kara
10 瀏覽 01/26/2024
The game is very good compared to its counterparts, the only problem is that it is difficult to earn money and diamonds. I hope the game will be up-to-date and there will be rewards such as login rewards and the game will be moved.
318 瀏覽 03/15/2020
A fun and entertaining game in which each mission takes place in a new zone of the city. The main objective of the game is to shoot zombies in order to stop a pandemic invasion. It is very cool that zombies come in a variety of forms and types: some of them will rush towards you, some will shoot at you from afar, and to destroy the rest, it will take them a lot of damage. options, and your tactics will undergo a thorough battle test. I really liked that while zombies are dumb, they are always dangerous when they act in a group. The battle planning system and the acquisition of suitable equipment are interesting. mother head and know their job, because each zombie has its own campaign.
Lạc An
405 瀏覽 04/06/2020
Games very good
Daye Valenzuela
415 瀏覽 06/05/2020
is this a multiplayer game?
Σαββας Σ.
438 瀏覽 03/14/2020
Nice Work keep going!!!
Wai Yan Htun
4 瀏覽 03/14/2020
wai yan tun