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3 瀏覽 10/12/2019
遊戲畫風非常好類似於Nexon Overhit畫風 +SLG元素。目前馬來西亞,新加坡,菲律賓地區先行服上了。因為畫質原因手機配型有點高。 玩法比較簡單,SLG元素+回合製類游戲。選自己的國家配合自己的英雄玩法,玩法上面雖然沒有很大的創意。但是畫風真的是挺棒的。
1 瀏覽 10/29/2019
這遊戲不能重刷初始,遊戲綁定手機設備,刪遊戲重裝也不行,仍然老號。用其他谷歌臉書或line關聯建號後也不能刪除。所以,建號請慎重。建議別刷了,臉書之類的常莫名封號,會導致遊戲不能用。 開局選勢力其實就是選系統送的3人,一個開局給另外兩個6天任務給,後面勢力可以換。 第一次招募有99次重置機會,一般1金或2金開局,紫色除了治療,其他不建議招,因為招募券貴,但金色又沒治療。 遊戲模式有集合了率土之濱戰國大河那種建城大地圖搶地盤模式,和小冰冰傳奇那種幾個人物戰鬥過關模式。 進遊戲儘早加入一個活人多大佬多的公會,因為會員在大地圖打王拿到的箱子是全體會員都有一份的,你可以躺拿箱子,箱子各種資源鑽石加速券,根本不用課金啦。
1 瀏覽 10/29/2019
1 瀏覽 12/12/2019
2 瀏覽 11/29/2019
231 瀏覽 10/18/2019
ok the game idea is cool i like the mix they made betwin hero collecter and strategy war game ,but the game need a lot of work to do first the frame drop all the time and the the chat in the game not work well if u tip somthing to ur alliance there is no ok ore send to send the msg u need to tap out off the keybord after u finish the text and then pres send , if someone support u ore attack u and u want to follow the line to know where it come frome the line of marching disapear the zoom out is bad we need more zoom out on the map and in fighting , the zoom in when the hero do ther ultimat is very bad and the heroes have no voice no soud for any hero, on the map we don't see alliance player ore alliance hive that is so bad and if u build a city to gather and u moved after that u cant find ur city easy bcs we need somthing that lead us directely to the city i mean we we conquer land and move to another location and we need to build another city the cistem tell us u can't build more and if u want to giveup the lands u can't find them even if ther is a yello mark on the map the taping in the game is not good we cant tap the right whay we need on the map bcs ther is no zoom on the map u tap somthing and see ur sell far from the place u want. sorry for my bad engilsh i will send in arabic if the msg was not clear
402 瀏覽 10/12/2019
Run Smoothly on my phone, but there are some bugs. Quick Warning : you will encounter some problem if you close the app (not kill) at least on my phone like the tutorial battle is repeating even if you clear the battle, just quit the battle to avoid this.
° EsQuiZo °
241 瀏覽 10/18/2019
every start of the game i was greeted by Last Kings isn't responding. (wait/ok). fix it please?
212 瀏覽 12/10/2019
I appreciate dev for making this game, but sorry I uninstalled this game because the gameplay that I think is boring
239 瀏覽 11/05/2019
game locked at 25fps lol what a waste