(10명 중)

게임 리뷰

1 회 조회 10/09/2019
이걸 만든 사람도 보통 사람은 아닌것같습니다만 일단 플레이하다보면 힌트 안보고 꼭 내가 풀어낸다,라는 마음가짐으로 플레이하게 되는 게임입니다. 진짜 생각지도 못한 답에 허탈해지면서도 웃게됩니다. 친구들과 함께 플레이해도 좋을 것같습니다. 서로 얼마나 푸는지 겨루거나 같이 풀어도 퍽 재미있을 것같네요. 打開腦洞,可以放鬆大腦的遊戲。 想的嚴肅反而更難過關卡,答案總是會超出我們的常識。 但正因爲如此玩的時候感覺自己是個傻子, 又氣又好笑。 喜歡遊戲界面和畫面設計,感覺這種遊戲反而這種畫風更合適
2 회 조회 10/10/2019
조금밖에 안해봤지만 힌트를 보고나면 이걸 이렇게 풀어내네.. 이생각밖에 안듬. 우리의 상식을 그냥 벗어나서 모든 단계 하나하나가 기존의 생각을 버리고 다르게 접근해야함.
3 회 조회 04/16/2020
Abner Merv
Your Guide to the Top Games in Word
4 회 조회 7d
fun games to try
28 회 조회 03/28/2024
grubby toes
28 회 조회 02/13/2024
👎 Cons: it's an ad generator
Thank you guys for the 💯 followers 😁 so here's 100 random mobile games 👍 (Part 1)
263 회 조회 02/06/2024
619 회 조회 01/09/2020
To kaylin: I've seen my friend play this and he had a great time.Plus what your saying about this game is as fake as a fairytale. You only have to have two keys to skip, You can pass the levels and People have downloaded this game. So in my opinion your response is absolutely ridiculous TRASH. My response: This game looks fun! I've helped my friend play and well it was awsome ! Even if its hard im going to try it out,I hope you appreciate this! ;)
I think this game needs a more appropriate way to get hints. I am willing to watch ads for hints, but they are always “not ready”. I am currently stuck on one level and there is nothing I can do about it. Other than that, Brain Out is a nice pick-up-and-play and a hilarious brain teaser to kill time. Although a little bit childish to me. There are more than 200 chapters and challenges to complete. You really need to think out of the box to solve these quizzes. The game has a proper difficulty. Also, I noticed that as I continue to play, I actually found some patterns in solving these puzzles. So the game shouldn’t be too difficult for most people.
248 회 조회 04/06/2022
1K 회 조회 10/09/2019
I have played similar puzzle games before so I know these questions are not as easy as you think, or they seem impossible to solve but actually not. The overall giving me a feeling of relaxing and silly, I can use normal way of thinking to these levels, they are laughing at me... When I stuck for too long, I can watch a short ad to get the key, key can give me hints so I know how this puzzle stupid. And yes, there are ads but not too frequent. Still recommend playing even if you played a similar game.
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