滿分為 10


3 瀏覽 12/02/2019
遊戲是比較特別的內容,和以往的MMO風格完全不一樣,戰略版玩起來比較有類似自走棋和放技能搭配。 遊戲裡面不是選擇職業腳色,是抽遊戲的經典怪物去戰鬥。 包括波利 烏龜將軍 妖女 月夜貓等等。 遊戲目前正在泰國正式上線,有英文和泰文,比較可惜是只有英文。題材新奇,拿怪物組隊也是很特別的方式,是一個不錯的遊戲,目前體驗時間還不多,可能是我抽抽還不多
play game
3 瀏覽 12/25/2019
更新檔在這不能更新。 已進不了遊戲。 要抽SS 機率是非常低。
2 瀏覽 12/02/2019
被他cuap 到不想玩了
3 瀏覽 02/04/2020
2 瀏覽 12/01/2019
415 瀏覽 11/08/2019
At the risk of sounding like a cheesy TV ad... Do you like Rangarok? Do you wish for more than playing as one of the humans? Are you tired of wandering from one side of the map to the other before you attack something? Then this is the Ragnarok for you! This is Ragnarok abridged. The cost of dropping a lot of the open world is that the game loses some of the effect created by the small scale and large world. In exchange for feeling less detailed, you are no longer spending half of the game just walking.
643 瀏覽 11/08/2019
for this kind genre of game , i think the graphics was okay even kinda polished .. the music&sounds well its RO to the core so no problem here. this is an alternative for those likes ro as background but tired of playing mmorpg and wanting to play ACG strategy games. Personally i like monsters as my units so I'd love to play the game, as the strategy goes more deeper in later stages for now i kinda having fun running stages with poring squad :) its very cute and adorable 🤣
TapTap Creator
623 瀏覽 01/09/2020
The game is very much for kids in my opinion. It has a Idle feature for the lazy. And a lot of free items for those who wish to be casual. I do not see any VIP in the game. I wish I could tell you more but the game is so simple you can just get in and play. Get some monsters use them and be strong in no time. The full review is below https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e4CwdAD3XrE
Shane West
611 瀏覽 11/18/2019
Overall ratings for me is good. Good graphics, good animations, Character are very alike on Mmorpg, the gameplay is very friendly. Gacha rates is not seems hard than other top rankings game. You can easy pull SS on 1-3 accounts only for rerolling. But one thing that disappoints me is topup. Topup has blocked region. You can use VPN but you need to purchase that points on that region. Unless you do cross platform payment applications. Its a bit hassle but I think you can do it. Havent tried yet but its possible.
458 瀏覽 12/19/2019
tbh i really like this game but, too bad after a long wait to play this again. reinstall this again and over again. happy to see i can log-in but lost my account. thx dev :)