(10명 중)

게임 리뷰

💜 Queen Purrloin 🐆
23 회 조회 01/31/2024
I bet it's the sequel of TOTM but I still like this childhood fandom again.
4 회 조회 11/04/2019
the next series of “tomb of the mask”. Indeed, this game is much more interesting thank its looks. Like to one-touch drawing but not restricted to the way you already passed. Not just visual impact with colors, there are traps, enemies can kill you or limited time chasing. The levels become much more difficult when you play deeper. Very strategic and test reaction
Harlequin TheFairyKing
TotM: C
2K 회 조회 04/21/2023
Fun, relaxing game
Temuri Svanidze
6 회 조회 01/05/2020
why not is this game for fighting
Khant Zin Min
1 회 조회 12/05/2019
how can I solve level 124 .........
klay chino
146 회 조회 11/14/2019
again.. level 242 is unpassable!
Vitor Nobre
2 회 조회 08/14/2021
Kim Dêr
3 회 조회 11/08/2019
1 회 조회 10/24/2019
「面具之墓」上了新版本!原作拼圖玩法加上塗色元素玩法簡單,有魔性的遊戲。可玩性很強,不過還是有缺點。 我希望目標動作數或則通關以後拿到一些報酬等需要加強挑戰性的元素。而且我玩了3個關卡必須要看廣告讓玩家有點累,需要增加關卡(目前只有LV200有點可惜了!)
Rainbow unicorn
1 회 조회 11/04/2019
剛開始接觸遊戲沒怎麼玩懂~ 在後面才體驗到這款遊戲的樂趣。魔性的玩法,塗色風格外加了額外的拼接玩法這樣的益智闖關非常有趣。就是在滾動的速度上感覺有些快,操作起來有的時候來不及反應哈哈哈 在畫面上,這樣的電玩像素風格也是非常有特色。 在難度上跟遊戲目標可能會比較差。難度上在我看來可能有點高。而且對於廣告的需求也很多,所以玩到後面有點累。。。
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