滿分為 10


7 瀏覽 01/14/2020
試玩影片,https://youtu.be/kwnYekPmcXk 1.《御史SAMA》於1月14日雙平台正式上線,語言面可以選擇簡中、繁中、英文,語音包則有日文、中文、英文。可以使用會員、FB、GooglePlay、遊客帳號登入。 2.這是一款動漫畫風的ARPG手遊,開場劇情就是用漫畫格子來帶過,比較可惜的是劇情沒有務人物配音,在簡單的BOSS登場動畫,進行了基本的移動、攻擊、技能、閃避、大招教學。 3.我們扮演轉學生成為了御史,但實際上還是控制這些御史角色,透過召喚來獲得御史,戰鬥中能夠上陣的御史有3隻。 4.整體遊玩起來偏向簡單得ARPG,劇情試圖營造出搞笑與KUSO。獎勵方面還行,收取信箱有送10連抽券。
2 瀏覽 03/05/2020
3 瀏覽 03/05/2020
Muhamad Ikshan
2 瀏覽 02/14/2024
I coming back, and late :(
604 瀏覽 11/15/2019
My review of the beta is based on having also played the original TapTap exclusive release. First, let's talk about inconsistency in translation. The tutorial mentions upgrading, but directs you to an "Enhance" button. This is not a major issue, since there is no confusion about the button you press and what it accomplishes. It becomes a bit cloudy when you are later directed to upgrade and it presents an "Upgrate" button. Below this is an "Upgrade All" button, but later is another "Upgrate" button. The typos are intentional, as that is how they appear in the game.
Mystic Melody
You Need To Play This ARPG Games
11K 瀏覽 03/22/2023
Ghoffar Gamers
1.4K 瀏覽 09/21/2023
This game Will be close server on 25 September 2023
Takoshima Fujiwara
China Anime Games
19K 瀏覽 08/26/2023
Awesom golu
250 瀏覽 12/10/2023
It's a nice game, idk why people aren't playing this.
Jai Bear
337 瀏覽 01/17/2020
when I start the game up it shows me my username and password when I push login it says username already exists I was playing for 2 days and now I can't get in anyone else having this issue I tried using google facebook and visitor I tried registering nothing is working in really like this game but if there's no fix guess I won't be playing