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625 View 12/21/2019
#Bloku!# So amazing for me! I have been created the highest score in Bloku,yeah...! Although this game have nothing to decorate,even have no BGM,I still play it for a long time. Why? It must be metion that its gameplay. The gameplay had referred tetris and the difference of Bloku is cancellation.The process in Bloku's classic mode is draw cubes in white according to shapes what you want to remove from the bottom of the board and turn it in blue and match until cubes arrive at the top(You can look through shapes from the top of gamepage).Sound so simple,isn't it?But the newest mode--static mode isn't so easy...hhhhh.
7 View 12/28/2019
『俄羅斯方塊 告訴我們合群就會消失.』☆這是一款玩了就上癮,同時也是因為非回合制遊戲而沒有提示的益智類遊戲(。・ω・。)ノ♡一時Bloku!一時爽!一直Bloku一直爽!(*'▽'*)♪感謝dalao @Kirra luan 推薦給瓦這款遊戲(←dei就是佔據Google Play遊戲排行榜第一的那個,在這款遊戲的評論區也可活捉到她qwq) ☆遊戲優點: 〔Ⅰ〕畫面:非常簡潔而又不繁瑣,每次Game Over還會換個背景顏色(´∀‘)♡ 〔Ⅱ〕音效:不是那種爛俗的音效,採用的是不太會反感的音效。至於BGM的話,或許開發者可能jio得加了BGM的話,聽眾感官不同,在遊戲中屢次過關過不去的話會聽的膩耳朵,索性就莫得什麼BGMヾ(・ε・‘*) 〔Ⅲ〕玩法:按照荧幕上方給的方塊兒模組滑動荧幕,一行中如果沒有剩餘方塊兒就自動下落一行。其實這一點其實評論區也提到,反向俄羅斯方塊玩法,開發者採用俄羅斯方塊這種不太難且家喻戶曉的遊戲的玩法進行創新,就賊新穎的感jioヽ(´∀‘)ノ
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