out of 10


Túlio Marlon Medeiros
88 Views 09/05/2020
First of all, I want to thank you for the opportunity given to us to test and contribute to the game. The experience was very pleasant, because the game is nostalgic, beautiful and incredibly well done. Moon Night Fantasy (beta test) was addictive too. I finished in two levels of difficulty, playing more than 35 hours. I will judge only the times when it worked properly (because unfortunately I had connection problems, but I trust the team to solve it):
573 Views 08/31/2021
holy dhick what happen to this game??? almost 2 yrs and still no update??? this game is awesome. i used to admired devs but they are now stupid because of late release
86 Views 11/09/2021
can't wait for the official release. hopefully it will be more like SOTN exploring castle vs GOS stage by stage only events is always defeat all enemies on a elevator lol I mean I still play it on the iPhone but still.
Axkall Legend
219 Views 02/03/2021
I already downloaded but the game wont continue so i cant play the game. What should i do please help me
Chairudin Septian
120 Views 12/19/2020
please make ver english😢, this is game my favorite
126 Views 07/31/2020
Leo Gasviani
201 Views 08/26/2020
awesome game
71 Views 12/30/2019
4 Views 12/28/2019
玩幾個小時,來說說看法,說實話這遊戲是我在這段時間感覺還不錯的,撇開操作卡頓和卡死之外,我覺得這款遊戲到適合做成單機,本身的玩法其實並不多,但是讓我看到了好幾款遊戲的影子,比如整個遊戲就很像惡魔城,地圖關卡像死亡細胞,玩法也有點像死亡細胞,不過這個裝備寶石刷刷就讓我想起了暗黑3,尤其是那個回城。 其實給這遊戲打分的話我覺得是3星半,bug不少,肝度很大,正式開始收費的話氪金也不少,畢竟現在每天磚石多的一批,但是還是不夠用,尤其是那個金幣,哇就沒見過這麼難打的,現在產出也少,那個委託任務就不說了,給的東西少的可憐,跑圖還有跑半天,就跑圖的時候那個操作輪盤還不好使,玩了半天一般時間是在跑圖,你說難受不。不過跑圖還可以接受,當初玩暗黑3的時候就喜歡開全圖,委託任務也很像暗黑3裡的地圖任務,但是這遊戲是用手機玩的啊設計師,不像電腦那麼方便,更不要說你這操作還卡,怪一多還掉幀,遊戲體驗就相當不好了。
3 Views 12/28/2019
遊戲體驗下來,戰鬥還是很帶感的,角色通過切換武器會有不同攻擊模式,這點是用心了,不像很多橫版遊戲通用一套攻擊方式,就是從木棍換成棒槌,那沒多大意思。 就是覺得如果多一個“擊倒”的屬性會更真實,無論是主角打怪,還是怪打主角,“橫掃”型的重技能會造成倒地效果,這樣會更有味道吧
That's everything for now. Start a new game?