(10명 중)

게임 리뷰

The Old House - Game Review
325 회 조회 04/20/2021
This is a good game but there is a part where it's hard to understand and memorize the 'mysterious box' since I can't understand Chinese symbols and stuff.. I'm still on chapter one so I might encounter a lot more Chinese symbols that I need to memorize which may be a little frustrating for me. Besides that, the puzzle solving is fun.
156 회 조회 01/04/2020
The reason I’ve put 2 stars is I can’t play it without trying to google every bit of text. It is supposed to be in English as well as Chinese. I do wish developers wouldn’t put English when it’s clearly not. Am very disappointed 🙁
Rifsan zr
113 회 조회 09/18/2021
lov this game
580 회 조회 03/24/2021
title of the trailer bgm?
Rabab Nabil
188 회 조회 05/17/2020
Good game
7 회 조회 01/09/2020
通關後來評價啦。 可能包含部分劇透。 遊戲的氛圍感覺很棒,但jump scares感覺有些老套且刻意還有些頻繁,這是我扣掉一星的理由。 比如臥室那裡窗戶那邊使用望遠鏡和使用後,給壁畫上的小女孩頭箍後,太頻繁了,就沒意思了。 再比如保姆房床下那個鬼臉,就顯得有些老套,掀開床單前就猜到了。 (小聲:大廳唱片機那裡的bgm有些耳熟啊,這樣沒關係的嗎?) 關於解謎—其實這種密室逃脫的遊戲個人感覺謎題設計是很微妙的東西,太難了會被玩家吐槽難度高且沒什麼關聯性,太簡單了又會讓遊戲顯得索然無味,所以個人認為這款遊戲解謎部分還可以,難度是有的但並不是很過分。 如果認真思考和觀察,基本上很少需要提示。 關於劇情方面,個人覺得有些單薄,結局有點莫名其妙,但對我來說遊戲的氛圍彌補了這一點,所以就不過多評價了。 以上。
978 회 조회 06/06/2021
Buat yang suka game teka teki bertemakan horror, kamu mesti cobain game ini, lumayan buat sangat menarik dan menantang otakmu untuk terus berputar mencari petunjuk, tidak ada batas waktu untuk setiap tahapan kisahnya tapi pada bagian akhir waktumu menyelesaikan nya akan tercatat dan terlihat otomatis, bisa dimainkan offline, kamu bisa mendapat petunjuk tambahan dengan menonton iklan (pada mode online)
2.6K 회 조회 04/06/2020
其实我觉得挺好的 相比其他游戏 我觉得它很ok 真的 挺ok的
353 회 조회 01/09/2020
496 회 조회 09/09/2020
Jogo incrível, para mim os puzzles são os melhores que joguei em 2020.
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