จาก 10


เรียกดู 517 01/11/2020
Requires either QQ/WeChat with mobile number provided to even start the game, which isn't as wished by many. While registering to WeChat, which is the only thing you can do outside of China, you require to have a friend who uses we chat and will scan QR from your screen. Seems like devs went every way to restrict any non-asian regions in participating, yet it is available to be downloaded. Says about english language in description, but there isn't a way to choose it before starting. Could be in the game itself, can't tell.
เรียกดู 549 01/11/2020
can someone help me I got a. code but I need an qq account or something idk lol currently 1 star until I figure out how to play
เรียกดู 470 01/11/2020
This game not support to english. only chinese
เรียกดู 584 01/11/2020
how can i play this game? i am having a hard time creating an account in QQ. please help.
เรียกดู 314 01/11/2020
how tf am I supposed to log in?
Rainbow unicorn
เรียกดู 7 01/10/2020
很棒的Roguelike元素冒險遊戲。 首先遊戲內容都是免費的,包括角色,都是進入遊戲都可以使用的。遊戲與Roguelike冒險遊戲一樣,武器隨機,地圖隨機,BOSS隨機,掉落隨機。 首先手下畫面,遊戲畫面有一點的像素感,但對於純像素來說,遊戲有很大的精細化。裝備以及人物的設計效果很好,包括地圖,小怪,BOSS,都有著很棒的建模。 其次玩法上,遊戲裝備隨機掉落,地圖隨機會刷出來強化以及升級裝備的商人,在遊戲中,存錢以及存能量是最重要的一件事情。 遊戲除了裝備及人物外,還有著芯片功能,隨機獲取,芯片會有著不同的功效,選擇自己需求的芯片來強化到自己, 目前本人達到了第四關,第五關實在是過不去。 整體前期還是比較容易上手的,每一關難度提升的恰到好處,整體來說遊戲都很不錯!值得去玩!
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