滿分為 10


28 瀏覽 09/28/2020
你要我推薦這款遊戲,我一開始是拒絕的,你說這簡陋的建模,粗糙的畫質,時常出現的BUG,我也不能Duang一下就給玩家和世界塑造出真實感啊。 當然以上都是開玩笑,這個遊戲的厲害之處主要在於他接近完美的還原了《俠盜獵車手聖安地列斯》的UI和地圖,你能真的開車登上那個你以前去過的樓,和過去時代一樣的被警察追逐然後努力擺脫他們的情景。此時此刻,我突然回到了10年前同學們都在開作弊器玩GTA,拿火箭飛彈狂轟的場景,那真是令人懷念。 大家沒有玩過GTA可以把這個當做一個新奇的手機開放世界體驗快意恩仇,有就把這個遊戲當成憶往昔的懷舊遊戲聊以追憶吧。
A brazilian dude
2 瀏覽 09/28/2020
Sank yu :3
5 瀏覽 09/10/2021
爛 一直卡在介面😡😡😡😡
Best offline open world games on mobile!
65K 瀏覽 04/04/2023
GANGS town: a GTA inspire game
879 瀏覽 12/29/2022
● Gangs Town Story would be a good choice for someone who wants to play GTA on the mobile platform. ● Some scenes remind me of GTA San Andreas. ● Game story isn’t coherent. I take a dim view of all these GTA-like games or rip-offs. Because none of those games left a good impression on me because they were crudely made. Gangs Town Story is one of the few relatively fine among them. The good side of the Gangs Town Story creates a nice city landscape, you can even see the graffiti on the street corner. Some scenes remind me of GTA San Andreas.
2.9K 瀏覽 04/06/2022
477 瀏覽 01/20/2020
Ok . So the post about the game is like half true . The game has bugs and lag even with the lowest resolution . And you don't have much to do . This being the first versions I expected that . Anyway I believe that developers will update the game and make something good. (. ❛ ᴗ ❛.) Update: I've replayed it and I'm glad that the developer maked some updates. Anyway the best thing I observed is how hilarious the jump animations is 😂
1.8K 瀏覽 05/18/2022
Great graphics. Gameplay is average at best. Having a bit of a problem aiming. While the ads are a bit annoying, I do bit of money grinding watching them.  My only hiccup with the game is the auto advancing dialogue. It moves a bit too quick for me. I wish there was an option to have it skip manually.
1K 瀏覽 04/16/2023
Amazing game! I love how there's a story. And even though it looks bad, trust me it's wroth it. Highly, Highly recommendit. Download
198 瀏覽 09/15/2021
I can install it but I can't even play the game stuck at 20% of loading screen