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Review game

2 View 04/11/2021
Udah lama main game nya bagus developernya baik karena game ini ngak pay to win,,gacha nya mudah dapet yang ssr beh da best la
Folze GT
1 View 11/26/2020
lebih bagus versi beta nya makin gk jelas game nya kayak terpaksa cepet cepet rilis
Admiral Kin
456 View 03/26/2020
Art : the art in this game it is not great or bad either I can say, it is acceptable in a way and not in other way well it could be worst it could be better. Gameplay: Hmmm, same like the other titles dose not offer you a certain strategy on the field or It is only me, most of it it's auto, and yeah you can unlock certain strategy types by the time you advance ( strategy field squares) . The Gatcha system(*_*), normally I am not into that style honestly but in this days this is something that majority of the titles have with few exceptions only.
TapTap Creator
794 View 11/28/2020
This game has been early access a long time. It's pretty great though and a nice casual time to play The game focuses heavily on waifu's. With not many male characters in the game. But the cool thing is the game is very free2play friendly. I have all but two characters in the game after a few months gaming in it. And the events themselves are usually never too hard to get into. So the game is worth a little time invested.
749 View 11/26/2020
In short, this could easily pass as King's Raid 2. This would be the update where selection was removed in favor of random draws, costumes are less revealing, and there are a ton of purchases. It didn't improve much on the graphics, but added back all of the things Vespa removed to make King's Raid more for the fans than cash.
Brandon LJ Mill
716 View 04/01/2020
Ive been living this game from the combat to the designs of the charecters and how they change appearence when you upgrade them but I'm can't give this a five star until they undo the *** bobble head designs it looks so *** the old designs were near perfect translations of the art work now they all have ***ly oversized heads I thought I was seeing things wth please I'm begging you devs change the charecters back to how they were
1.1K View 03/25/2020
mmmm not much changes.. just some little bit optimization improvement but the umm 'fps drop' still there like before ,just kinda better now.. the ui also slightly change. i think its ady in a better shape. hmm aite lets try the second cbt .. how far the improvement has been made
620 View 08/04/2022
To Shining Beyond Dev. Please dont close the game. I read ur news in game that u have to close the game in September. Please dont. Im a newbie player. Ur game is awesome.
Nguyễn Anh Khoa
805 View 03/31/2020
i don't know, just a so so game. I love the art of the heroes but not the gameplay. Please improve the quality of the game in the future.
550 View 03/26/2020
Like it, Add more characters and release global version ASAP!! After update, why head of all heroes become so big? are they are have tumor? I like original design, not a big head.
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