(10명 중)

게임 리뷰

3 회 조회 04/14/2022
유저에게 불친절함 처음나왓을때 부터 햇지만 챕터를 돌면서 스킵을 할수잇능게 없고 그냥 유저를 기만하는 행동만하거 제대로 소통을안함
2 회 조회 06/22/2020
게임의 캐릭터성, 스토리, 세계관 등은 우수하다. 사실 캐릭터 덕질하는 의미가 크다고 생각됨. 다만 게임의 완성도나 운영의 성실함, 전문성은 아직 불안정하다고 여겨짐. 글로벌 오픈 때 까지 잘 수정될지는 미지수. 일단 믿어본다.
2 회 조회 2d
Bad gameplay Bad level rise or evolution No indication to find missing materials Dialogue too long, a skip button would not be luxury Too much advertising to subscribe Buy tickets to pass the fights = Uninstall nothing is lost
9 회 조회 04/05/2024
II couldn't get past loading user information in this game. After startup, freezing and freezing began.This is all very sad. According to the descriptions of other players, the game is really worthwhile, and I don’t know why it doesn’t work for me (((My device is quite new, with Android 10. All that remains is to ask the developers to make their wonderful creation a little less demanding on the phone’s resources.
Bill Nature
56 회 조회 02/05/2024
Pretty decent game i was expecting something way more mediocre . Storyline isnt bad Character pretty decent and plus u can select the genre and hair of your main character Sometimes english get replaced with another language Worth a try
Wahyuni nada amalia
turn-based anime rpg game
88 회 조회 02/11/2024
58K 회 조회 01/01/2024
Anime games with base 3d characters and voice lines that are quite complete when talking, not to mention the fighting animation when the game is quite good ah I was surprised about this, and they also have a guild system. And uniquely, here they have a realm where you can enter the area and meet other players, unfortunately not many people know about it. The gacha in this game is very friendly, and the female character is very waifuable for those of you who just want to get a waifu gacha to see her fighting style.
824 회 조회 01/16/2024
Why is this Part 1 not popular
27K 회 조회 11/06/2023
822 회 조회 09/25/2023
U must know that this game was pay to win, many standard gatcha functionality wasn't here at the start and they puted it slowly and besside a paywall, certains op character cost real money to get and this month they put all the buyable character in a classic gatcha. U will say it's cool for the FTP player. It is but only if they made de linkstone (gatcha character money) easier to get without paying a lot of package and if they make the farm easier to, even hoyoverse reward well the hardcore player but in this game u'll never have a chance against a standard whale. They know that and they make a Collab with code geas 7 days after "buyable character who became FTP" event, so everyone use his linkstone in the event and nobody have some left. All this shi to make us cash play. Most of the best support, dps unit was buyable THEY KNOW THAT and they just chain event like that. It's not their first time chainning event like that, they do it for all new units all this to force us to buy pack. I don't tell u to not download I'm just warning u
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