滿分為 10


5 瀏覽 09/22/2020
以摩托車競速為題材的跑酷躲避遊戲。 遊戲為第三人稱視角,僅有英文,不過並不影響遊玩。 作為一名街頭暴走族,每天都會有敵幫成員不斷地進行騷擾,我們自然不能夠坐以待斃。 玩家會在遊戲中跟隨故事事件的發展,在不同地圖中駕駛摩托和敵人對抗。 對抗的手段較為多樣,玩家除了要及時的躲避道路上的障礙之外,還要及時的拾取路面上的道具武裝自己。可以自行腦補跑跑或者馬賽的道具賽車。
mketlene lacombe
7 瀏覽 04/03/2024
Because I like exploring and defeating bosses and races this is the best game ever
toxic as your mother
4 瀏覽 01/29/2024
İt was a great one ngl but it crashes after advertisement
'Hellrider 3' review - a great game with huge potential
1.9K 瀏覽 11/15/2022
I like the art style. It controls well and the monetization (a mix of purchasable gear, earnable currency, and ads) isn't egregious. I wish it had controller support (even if that sounds silly for a game with controls consisting of left, right, and hold both). A little more variety in the models would be cool too. The women all have roughly the same curvy bod while the guys are all the burly type. Each could have more model variety. The more unique character models are one-offs like a skeleton.
1.1K 瀏覽 11/15/2022
Local Human
962 瀏覽 07/10/2023
I absolutely love this game! It is fairly easy to play, tho the skeleton king wasnt so easy to me. Overall its a great game to pass the time and get rid of boredom. 10/10
427 瀏覽 09/23/2020
If you are looking for casual game and want to enjoy the gameplay, this game is good to try without thinking the graphics. It's fairly enjoyable with story progression. There are many stages and difficulties that makes this game challenging. So you will need extra effort to reach on the next level or unlocking perks to help you beat the enemies easier.
948 瀏覽 01/09/2023
This game is not for kid look atthe video in 00.23
232 瀏覽 09/24/2020
It's pretty fun hard to control yourself when you're at high speeds. Full Review= https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OVIaxiT8pqg
197 瀏覽 04/29/2020
not support app bundle, then how with upload the simple app instead then? oh well, the 3rd series have different gameplay but more entertain, i like the third person view mode. its remind me with old crash bandicoot bike. love offline game.