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66 瀏覽 12/08/2021
試玩影片,https://youtu.be/6zjijouJPRQ 1.《MASS FOR THE DEAD》是一款華義國際代理的日本動漫《OVERLORD》 IP 正版授權手遊,於 12 月 7 日 雙平台正式上線。可以使用 手機、FB、GooglePlay、Apple、立即玩...等方式登入遊玩。 2.遊戲我在 6 日已經預先下載好, 7 日下午準備來試玩體驗,當天遊戲炸服無法登入遊玩,延遲至 8 日才來試玩體驗。 3.我們將扮演被公會安茲·烏爾·恭 41 人所創造出來的 NPC 角色來體驗遊戲劇情,跑完前面的劇情,有部分的動漫語音配置,Live2D 也是有製作,只是比較薄弱一點。 4.新手有一個無限 10 連召喚,選一組你喜歡的再確定這個結果,每次召喚必出一隻 5 星角色。 5.至於戰鬥系統則比較普通了,採用了 4 人組隊的日式 RPG 經典回合制戰鬥,結合屬性剋制施放個別的技能、奧義指令攻擊。
7 瀏覽 12/07/2021
我马来西亚的 根本进不去 会出现error........
4 瀏覽 12/07/2021
Ruizaki Ray
548 瀏覽 04/22/2020
Being one of the fan of Overlord and gacha game. I am a bit disappointed with fighting style. Their is no animation what so ever either you do basic attack or your ulti. Story wise it is good as anime, art style is ok but gameplay thou ... not so good. Gacha pull decent. Got albedo and shaltear in two 10 pull. This game has potential to grow if they improve gameplay and fighting animation. Hope they do so.
760 瀏覽 04/23/2020
Welcome to Loading The Game. Every icon you tap, you would get loading beforehed. In all seriousness, why the game with such mediocre graphic always take some time to load? Not just once, but every single action. It's hilarious. the game has 2 currency; paid and free crystal. Paid crystal can be used to summon guaranteed SSR. oh, there is also VIP system. as a fan, I played this game merely as a side game.
Ozzy the Brave Warrior
1.2K 瀏覽 10/26/2021
If they're not going to bring back Mass for the Dead Global then remove it from Tap Tap please 🥺.
Night Star
755 瀏覽 02/28/2021
Game will be SHUT DOWN on last month of march. Gameplay, animation and art are very poor and simple. Little disappointed but i love the storyline. I hope Overlord game will return in the future with better performance.
591 瀏覽 02/17/2022
honestly why don't they include Philippines we Philippines like playing games and its not even working its communication error all the time
706 瀏覽 04/22/2020
Storyline is ok but the gameplay and the content of the game is little and not good, you just do the story quest and grind for strengthening your characters and thats it nothing else to do..
Escorta Gaming
579 瀏覽 03/08/2022
the game has been shut down, don't download