(10명 중)

게임 리뷰

Most Helpful
Dalamar el Oscuro
10 회 조회 04/16/2024
I listened a lot about this Game, tons of good comments and i just regret 1 thing: not start to play it earlier. 👍 Pros: super funny and adictive, good mechanics, every pj has multiple strategies and every run is unique as a good roguelite 👎 Cons: literally nothing
Dark Horse
A card game that dictates your fate based on your draws.
675 회 조회 05/16/2023
(Gameplay) Slay the Spire
1.4K 회 조회 05/17/2023
9 회 조회 04/05/2024
One of the best card roguelike games
1.5K 회 조회 06/12/2023
(Played on console) I'll be honest, a first the game feels impossible, but all you have to do is play a few runs and you will quickly start to find synergies that you can do for each character. A couple examples from my experiences with the first three characters: Ironclad- a build that encourages heavy amounts of blocking and also heavy damage Silent- basically make it so no matter how much your enemies attack you, because you will build block, and counter attacks making you an absolute machine of damage output
2K 회 조회 06/26/2023
Best roguelike deck building game on android
The Falcon
Slay the Spire GAMEPLAY
791 회 조회 05/16/2023
7 회 조회 04/13/2024
Hella fun actually once you get into it. Not much for lore. Great for a good card/turn based combat, strategy game that you can pick up on the go.
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