滿分為 10


2 瀏覽 09/04/2020
移動端體驗很不錯的射擊遊戲,如截圖所展示,遊戲的3D建模有著一定的水準,很好的刻畫出了槍支該有的質感,而且它甚至有著槍支展示動作,在彈藥滿時點擊換彈,人物就會轉動槍支,讓你從各個角度欣賞這件鋼鐵揉成的藝術品。 但可惜的是,現時因為線上的人並不多,所以豐富的擬真槍支和它們多彩的皮膚,多數時候只能展示給自己看,如果大家都能來一起玩,肯定就會讓遊戲變得更加遊戲,因為遊戲本身已經有著不錯的遊戲性了。 哪怕是玩人機,死鬥、近戰、團隊、拆彈,涵蓋了現時對抗類FPS所常出現的模式,當然這對於這類遊戲只是基本功。這遊戲更多的樂趣,還是通過地圖射擊給人帶來的新鮮感。雖然都不是很大,但障礙縱橫間,能營造出很强的空間感。 再加上槍支的各種配件養成,以及一些遊戲內達成某種條件即可使用的技能,總的來說是可以玩上一段時間的遊戲。
4 瀏覽 03/19/2021
Im Ali!
743 瀏覽 09/01/2020
I'm playing shooter games on mobile so i think i had to say something. gameplay is cool shooting system is not bad. but you should add ADS fire wich is Aiming and shooting in same time. game is not P2w until now. i just played TDM on 2 maps and i had to say maps are actually good. also graphics! are so good and there is no high pressure on phone. just if devs add ads and make bots some smarter its a fun game to play. also i think HP is too low or Damage is too high because you can die very fast. maybe they fix this. in total game is cool and i like to play every day. thank you!
728 瀏覽 02/11/2022
I would like to suggest that we will change the characters in FPS games which is the traditional counter terrorist and terrorist which is so boring that was used in so many years. And other games they used so many uniform's. In real life there is only one official uniform in each side. This is to give a player an immediate distinction between enemy and friendly character.That's what we should also do in creating a game. And other games have also a lacking in their uniform's. Others don't have head gear and others didn't tuck in their combat shoes. You are not creating your games basing on real life...I would like to invite you all to see my Facebook page at Full Batte Gear and see the good ideas that I'm suggesting...thanks...
665 瀏覽 09/11/2020
I have just installed this game and it's asking for update, but their is no update related to this game in TapTap, or Google play, so how could I play???????
Koeskoes's Firs
1.3K 瀏覽 09/06/2020
this FireStrike Online game was CounterStrike Alternative on mobile i think.. Its Cool! I just Record it! The Video Gameplay : https://youtu.be/rXZwOLKluNk
738 瀏覽 09/07/2020
the controls are very bad if you want to play more than two fingers
735 瀏覽 09/04/2020
A rating game for 10 with certain types of skins with sensual content? that's why I don't consume certain printed products, who don't know how to create clean content for the whole audience!
antonio ms
363 瀏覽 02/14/2022
very good more sensitivity and very bad it has to improve the graphics and design of the lobby and also improve animations of the characters and what you need most and the sounds of the weapons have to improve also go from 4 in total
607 瀏覽 09/06/2020
Just good, but codm is better...