(10명 중)

게임 리뷰

4 회 조회 02/25/2022
아니 저 이거 처음 하고 폰으로할려고이거 깔고 들어갔는데 나중에 모닝 이즈트레잉 그라운드라 뜨고 그거 눌려보니깐 계속 나가져여 어떠케하면 좋을까여?😓
2 회 조회 03/10/2022
이거 왜 시작이 안되나요? 서비스 중단된건가요?
5 회 조회 11/08/2020
저는 왜 않돼요?
4 회 조회 01/29/2021
17 회 조회 03/14/2024
best games in high school life😁😁
Kenny Tendencia
2 회 조회 02/22/2024
Did not work.
I I definitely have internet it's a bummer I was excited to play this too but seems like I can't get past the screen above
200 회 조회 01/27/2024
242 회 조회 02/11/2022
I would like to suggest that we will change the characters in FPS games which is the traditional counter terrorist and terrorist which is so boring that was used in so many years. And other games they used so many uniform's. In real life there is only one official uniform in each side. This is to give a player an immediate distinction between enemy and friendly character.That's what we should also do in creating a game. And other games have also a lacking in their uniform's. Others don't have head gear and others didn't tuck in their combat shoes. You are not creating your games basing on real life...I would like to invite you all to see my Facebook page at Full Batte Gear and see the good ideas that I'm suggesting...thanks...
1.2K 회 조회 09/28/2020
About this game: 1. Huge volume of contents like 18 main characters, 70 maps, and 1300 various firearms on are implemented 2. A strategy shooting game that enables E-Sports on mobile platforms as an official E-Sports game. 3. Targeting the Southeast Asian market with Special Force M: Remastered which is based on Special Force IP, Dragonfly's global hit online FPS game and proven in the market for 15 years!
3 회 조회 01/22/2024
Wish it was available..
지금은 이게 전부예요. 새로운 게임을 시작할래요?