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6 瀏覽 09/03/2020
外表就是一款相當標準的韓式MMO,高精度、寫實風、以及略顯油膩的建模,玩過韓遊的同學一定一眼就能看出來了…… 作為一款ARPG,本作的手感還算是過得去,恰當的頓感與受擊反應不會給玩家一種在砍空氣的違和感。技能的花樣也比較多,不像很多MMO為了簡化操作,把技能欄縮減到3-4個,本作一共可以攜帶8個技能出戰,外加算是特色的變身系統,讓戰鬥不會特別單調枯燥。 不過遊戲的缺點也比較明顯,對比人物的精細,場景就顯得有點敷衍了,即使是在最高畫質下,野外還是顯得光禿禿的,風景黨非常不滿。同時,遊戲在同類產品裡的區分度也不夠高,尤其是對比黑沙這種頭部產品,差距還是挺明顯的。
Admiral Kin
176 瀏覽 09/06/2020
#Rebirth Non-auto# For those who are searching a non-auto style MMORPG here it is . The game it has a massive leveling system the graphics are quite good and the system it is formed by dungeons and so many aspects that you will find also in others , plus you need to play it by yourself in order to make your way to the top. If it is P2W friendly I will tell you the truth it is pay 2 be good , I mean it is a pay 2 win . In their policy of in game store of purchasing items it stands : "If you buy a product from the store and you don't want it or you made a wrong purchase or you want a refund you will never see back your money , I did buy a product in order to verify the trust of the company, do not buy nothing if you truly don't want it ". The game it is acceptable and if you love the type of the Korean style you might giving it a try .
236 瀏覽 09/03/2020
saw the gameplay on youtube, its was a auto battle mmorpg but they made it full manual coz of the cross platform, but theres no free directional dash/evade button and jump button. i wont try this unless they add those 2 buttons.
137 瀏覽 03/03/2022
It looks decent enough. Kudos for not being auto. But what would make it perfect is character customization, and not being gender locked. At least give the male one of the ranged classes.
Panji Prasetya
215 瀏覽 09/07/2020
I 've been played before, but this not MMO like i imagine
255 瀏覽 09/06/2020
its no autofull but its very simple , no is soo good.
145 瀏覽 09/06/2020
good, but not so good
Rodrigo Duarte
69 瀏覽 08/07/2021
autoplay trash.
100 瀏覽 09/09/2020
it keeps.on crashing..while entering in the world..pls fix..
Gowen Nosoul
216 瀏覽 09/08/2020
installed...got back to the past....uninstalled.