(10명 중)

게임 리뷰

918 회 조회 12/24/2022
The game shows potential but falls flat very fast. All you're doing is finding items and killing countless zombies. You level up at a decent pace but upgrading things and getting equipment takes a while because the reward payout is pretty small. If this game had a base building aspect, bosses, and bigger areas it would be soooo much better. Good attempt by the dev but it needs more.
HF3: Action RPG Online Zombie|Gameplay
1.5K 회 조회 01/05/2023
Jin Pio
412 회 조회 09/22/2020
https://youtu.be/YRjtf-mPgNk 1. Full HD gameplay 2. MMORPG, Zombie , Shooter, Open World 3. Language: English 4. Account Login: None
107 회 조회 02/15/2021
i think is need more update , character is rigid , need more update map and fiture , hope dev can fix bug ,i got bug can't kill zombie on my quest , so it's hold me to continue my quest.
삭제된 계정입니다
430 회 조회 11/11/2020
nice game I not only got game are game additional game Shooting but game in are gore. I turned playing role-play; I need Minecraft!
aka jr
447 회 조회 09/22/2020
why am I seeing lv 1 crook and lv 50 boss in the gameplay thumbnail??
350 회 조회 12/07/2021
I was looking forward to seeing this smash day z out of the water for a mobile game I hope you are still interested in finishing this
621 회 조회 07/06/2021
need more things in option,i need to set up the load out of the screen!!
498 회 조회 01/22/2022
every survival games are zombies mode, it's bored and f*ck ! 👎 un inspiration
313 회 조회 08/22/2021
co'mn... we need more lvl... and new modee ... waiting for update 👍🏻👍🏻🍌👌🏻😎
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