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11 瀏覽 08/14/2021
試玩影片,https://youtu.be/hTei8pbcZmg 1.《仙境傳說:普隆德拉迷宮》是一款 RO 仙境傳說 IP 改編的放置類型手遊,國際服版本於 8 月 12 日在台灣正式推出。可以使用 FB、GooglePlay、遊客帳號...等方式登入遊玩。 2.登入遊戲下載大約 450MB 的更新檔,引導教學甚麼是"共享",由於是國際服版有些翻譯可能怪怪的。簡單說"共享"就是跟其他玩家(AI)一起組隊打怪練功打 BOSS,你的角色也能共享給別人用來組隊。 3.RO 主打的職業系統、轉職、重生多種玩法,技能也能升級、安裝配置想使用的技能 4.以放置類型玩法來說,除了自動戰鬥之外也有手動遊玩的部分,手動移動迷宮探索,組隊對戰 MVP BOSS 施放技能,整體可玩性蠻高的。 5.總的來說,遊戲算是有創新的放置類型手遊,畫風 100% 還原 RO 仙境傳說 ,重現熟悉魔物以及職業角色,輕鬆享受仙境傳說的世界。
11 瀏覽 01/19/2021
下載 APKPure APP 有最新的版本 https://m.apkpure.com/tw/apkpure-app.html?icn=aegon&ici=text_detail-apk-m 到應用管理更新(The Labyrinth of Ragnarok)
74 瀏覽 01/01/2021
2 瀏覽 12/16/2020
Carl Ynghrafnsson
1K 瀏覽 03/16/2022
In a sea of upcoming Genshin Impact, PGR like games, I re-installed this as a side game. The designers took a good look at idle mechanics and got to a point. Many will be like, "What's the point?" Well, you can play this while doing something else, like making art or programming, etc. It's a fresh, positive thing. You can listen to your own music player too, which is nice. Starts out frantic until you accept resurrection. You grind for materials to craft better stuff. It also has more condensed game lore than any other Ragnarok games. You will manual at some point. The duels are auto, a showcase of your character. The duels are made challenging by fact that you don't know if your opponent has companions. It's not for everybody, but I got addicted to it. I would actually like to see this engine ported to other games like dark fantasy or something. If you want something light-hearted, and lay in bed for sleepy time, then it may fit into your lifestyle. They showed me there is a usefulness to idle grind.
91 瀏覽 03/15/2022
dead game since the introduction of limiting the rewards for f2p players and merge the server doesn't helps less then 100 players now still don't wanna nail the coffin of this game, nid to afk in order to sell stuff at market which has no ppl and became a ghost town and to buy stuff nid to pay for another currency it's waste of time otherwise it's a good game .
242 瀏覽 12/17/2020
Im from europe and cant update to 10.300.8 version because the game isnt launched yet on playstore also cant update here so i did it in this site apkcombo . c o m
Grumpy Old Man
194 瀏覽 03/30/2022
Game wont start, stuck at Autentificaion in progress.
Paul Ky DC
196 瀏覽 04/19/2022
up until now this is under maintenace? just wow.. close this game if u didnt want us to play it!
Kier Ocampo
134 瀏覽 11/28/2020
They're updating the market and item shop every week, but they don't give a sht about the bugs