(10명 중)

게임 리뷰

246 회 조회 10/25/2020
It only downloads the apk and not the obb (so the game doesn't work) and if I download it from other stores then the game starts but after the terms of use there is an infinite loading! and from the PlayStore I cannot download it because it says both that it is not available in my country and that my device is not compatible!
697 회 조회 10/02/2020
Impossible to play, it tears but you can't play, arrange porfa
287 회 조회 03/21/2022
A game as beautiful as this deserves a story richness to it
삭제된 계정입니다
660 회 조회 12/06/2020
in order to play it, what server should you use ???
221 회 조회 10/02/2020
Cant open what the problem
y4g. play
136 회 조회 02/01/2022
😓😭The game hangs 😭
608 회 조회 10/02/2020
don't open
6 회 조회 09/27/2020
競技場對戰版的守望先鋒玩法。 遊戲的職業設定上根據宣傳圖來看應該有4種不同職業,不過目前僅開放了近戰騎士和遠程弓兵兩種職業。 遊戲的手感略有些僵硬,不過遊戲在攻擊招式上面做的還是挺有想法的。除了角色自帶技能之外,騎士職業的攻擊揮砍動作還是根據玩家滑動手勢進行判定,給遊戲增添了一定的樂趣。
Check Master
723 회 조회 04/07/2022
без пве мусор а не игра
Mackenzie Johns
3.3K 회 조회 10/02/2020
Игра не работает
지금은 이게 전부예요. 새로운 게임을 시작할래요?