จาก 10


เรียกดู 871 11/09/2020
JOYCITY is notorious for this type of game. It is a brand you already know, possibly from another game. It has simple mechanics, so it isn't hard to pick up and play. More importantly, it will find all new ways to sell something. Many of the games released by this developer look almost identical. They are card games, but with a slight twist to avoid being labeled as just card games. They are not horrible games, but they lack what it takes to be "long-term" titles. They are catchy for a moment, but then the moment passes and you are left trying to find another game.
เรียกดู 967 11/03/2020
Why can I download the playstore at release time, but now how come there is a notification that the Android device is not compatible?
เรียกดู 394 11/03/2020
cant play, after launch its saying that i cant use it becourse i didnt buy product....
เรียกดู 12 11/04/2020
試玩影片,https://youtu.be/eFnAaSDm_mo 1.《TERA:無盡之戰》是一款以《TERA》IP 為主題改編戰略 SLG 遊戲,於11月3日正式推出,無需帳號登入直接開始遊玩,之後可以綁定信箱、Google、FB。 2.遊戲開場展示的戰鬥系統讓我一度以為是一款單純的卡牌收集通關冒險玩法,之後進入內政經營,慢慢的發現原來這是一款 SLG 戰略為主的玩法,當然也有通關冒險玩法只是偏向簡易。 3.跟著主線章節教學體驗戰略玩法,內政經營建造兵營、生兵、資源生產、城牆強化、各種基地升級...等等。與一般 SLG 不同點,多了集結、支援...等的功能 4.遊戲採用了最早期的六角棋盤式地圖,無論在主城或是世界地圖,我個人已經沒那麼愛這樣的古老風格,目前遊戲福利會贈送英雄司祭艾琳,總的來說是一款TEAR IP 改編的 SLG 戰略遊戲。
เรียกดู 427 11/18/2020
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