War Robots。 6V6 战术多人战斗 screenshot game
War Robots。 6V6 战术多人战斗 screenshot game
War Robots。 6V6 战术多人战斗 screenshot game
War Robots。 6V6 战术多人战斗 screenshot game
War Robots。 6V6 战术多人战斗 screenshot game
War Robots。 6V6 战术多人战斗 screenshot game
War Robots。 6V6 战术多人战斗 screenshot game
War Robots。 6V6 战术多人战斗 screenshot game
War Robots。 6V6 战术多人战斗 screenshot game
War Robots。 6V6 战术多人战斗 screenshot game
War Robots。 6V6 战术多人战斗 screenshot game
War Robots。 6V6 战术多人战斗 screenshot game
War Robots。 6V6 战术多人战斗 screenshot game
War Robots。 6V6 战术多人战斗 screenshot game
War Robots。 6V6 战术多人战斗 screenshot game
War Robots。 6V6 战术多人战斗 screenshot game
War Robots。 6V6 战术多人战斗 screenshot game
War Robots。 6V6 战术多人战斗 screenshot game
War Robots。 6V6 战术多人战斗

War Robots。 6V6 战术多人战斗

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War Robots或许是一款最大型的巨型机器人射击手游。加入史诗级PvP战斗,对抗来自全世界的对手,让他们看看谁才是这里最有智慧、速度最快且最顽强的战士!为应对奇袭、错综复杂的战术机动和敌人的诡计做好准备。毁灭!占领!升级!变强——证明自己是War Robots在线宇宙中最优秀的机甲指挥官!
🤖 选择你的战士。50多种机器人,具有各自独特的蓝图和能力,总有一款是你的风格。
⚙️ 按照你的想法游戏。碾压还是毁灭?拯救还是保护?或者你只是想惹恼敌人?包含弹道导弹、等离子炮和巨型霰弹枪在内的海量武器任由你选择,各种玩法你都可以随意尝试!
🛠️ 定制。每一个机器人都可以配备你选择的武器和模块。找出你最喜欢的组合,让大家见识见识你的威力!
🎖️ 在多人模式中和别人并肩作战。与他人组队!加入强大的派系,寻找可靠的搭档(和朋友!)或者自立门户!
👨‍🚀 单打独斗。喜欢独来独往?孤胆大侠们可以在竞技场和全员混战等特别模式中大显身手!
📖 探索知识。随着每次更新的推出,War Robots的世界正在不断发展和扩张,而这个日益庞大的社区随时都可以为你提供帮助。

观看YouTube上的War Robots视频:https://www.youtube.com/user/WALKINGWARROBOTS



注意:如想获得最佳War Robots游戏体验,需要稳定的网络连接。

© Pixonic. MY.GAMES 品牌发行。保留所有权利。

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17 View 03/08/2024
Just the p2w aspect that ruins everything
1 View 14h
A game favored by many gamers who installed this application and played it before every updates the developers have made. The PIXONIC Corporation has never disappointed me in creating their games and publishing them to the public! I RECOMMEND THIS!
IPlay Games
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57 View 12/22/2023
Great gameplay but p2w
809 View 04/25/2023
I think war of robots is a wonderful console quality game. It has been out for some time now. I used to play it but the downside of this game. Is it seems like it is a free premium? I don't know if they have changed the are purchased system or not but from what I have experienced. You can buy the amount. It will take to purchase a playstation 5  And an HDTV and still your robot may not be up to par to compete against others which is a shame. I used to love this game until I realized that you can buy your way to victory .
329 View 05/22/2023
I like this game because the gameplay is very exciting, different from other robot games. even though there are drawbacks, but I enjoy playing it. ^_^
5/5 game!
1.2K View 10/01/2022
Tristan Woster
498 View 12/12/2022
Well this game was so fun in the past, no Titans or OP Robots, so I recently stopped playing this game, but I had fun
611 View 09/26/2023
I like this game and it is my 2nd favourite game and im doing so good at it, and i love it
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Itu saja untuk sekarang. Mulai permainan baru?