평점 부족

게임 리뷰

112 회 조회 03/18/2024
Games good, however is very grindy and is unbalanced between different classes and royal bloods. But that is not a huge problem, the huge issue is that its been almost a year since no big updates at all. Chinese server now is about 4 big updates ahead and we never get any announcements regarding that. There is only routine event updates and maintenance. It feels like the global server is almost abandoned, there used to be a developer in discord server who would actively talk with players and resolve bugs, who disappeared years ago. Also, from my personal experience, the publisher Lucky Bus is lazy. Not only is translation and wording inconsistent, the updates are barely thought of too. For example, we used to be around 2 month behind Chinese server(which I guess is somewhat reasonable and consistent):
Doanh Đỗ Tuấn
365 회 조회 11/21/2020
best chess gamr i like this game because have a very deep in story and it make me fell to like it more
Wilian D. Silva
533 회 조회 11/26/2020
game creators should learn english and start launching games with english on It. geez,
709 회 조회 12/27/2020
Free game. Can enjoy it for months.
597 회 조회 12/23/2021
Good game.
1.4K 회 조회 04/25/2021
5 회 조회 11/23/2020
美漫畫風的棋盤格戰鬥玩法的RPG。 遊戲有自帶捏臉,玩家可以根據自己的喜好塑造主角的立繪形象,但無法變更戰鬥時的角色全身形象。 遊戲的流程非常的線性,整體上就是聽故事、戰鬥獲取收益、養成角色,然後再返回到第一步。 遊戲的流程關卡還是缺乏一定的變化,隨著劇情的深入,戰鬥主要是區別於場景佈置的變化,和敵人戰斗數值的增加上面。較少的看到一些新內容,如可和場景互動元素等等,缺少對於新場景的期待感。 遊戲在細節上有一定的把控,比如帶傷成員上戰場再次受傷則會變成永久性傷害; 人物受傷的話,角色立繪臉部會擁有傷疤; 角色到達一定年齡程度,立繪會長鬍子。 說回到遊戲的戰鬥玩法。 遊戲有多個兵種類型,騎兵、步兵(重、輕)、弓兵等,需要玩家轉職後自行選擇。每個兵種所需裝備和屬性以及攜帶技能也都不一樣。玩家需要根據其特性來佈置戰鬥陣型。
690 회 조회 02/23/2022
1.9K 회 조회 02/23/2022
ini game keren, asli ga bohong. umur, anak, kawin, lvl up dan resource gampang dapetinnya
416 회 조회 04/20/2022
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