滿分為 10


3 瀏覽 12/09/2020
比較少見的中國風格鬥遊戲,除了人物、場景這種直觀視覺要素上加入了大量的國風代表性元素外,細節方面,如人物移動時、釋放技能時,還會帶出水墨特效。 而且遊戲中針對不同打法設計的大招,或許在同類遊戲當中算不得頂尖,但氣勢上,風格渲染上,都能令人印象深刻。可以說是從方方面面都很好的展現出了遊戲獨特的味道。 戰鬥方面,做到格鬥遊戲該有的樣子,基礎的輾轉騰挪輕重擊云云一應俱全,能滿足喜歡該類型玩家的需求,同時又根據不同武器進行了新招式設計,類似於《暗影格鬥》,極大的豐富了遊戲的多樣性。 不過作為一個持續運營的遊戲來說的話,遊戲的氪金內容可能不太友好,持續優化也有待加强。
User  just
2 瀏覽 01/09/2021
如果我没记错的话这游戏国内版凉了。。。 自己看看,好像是画面很不错的
3 瀏覽 12/22/2020
3 瀏覽 09/23/2021
TapTap Creator
577 瀏覽 11/23/2020
Simple combat with slashes, kicks, jump attacks, and throws. The music is awesome and literally carries the game in every way. It plays like an old Playstation fighting game. Like maybe Tenchu but as a fighter brawler. Full Review= https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vuIXWLBBRdg&feature=youtu.be
612 瀏覽 10/03/2021
It's hard to find game that I had good control and responsive moveset when it's come to fighting games in Android, but this game has it It has really good control also good combat system that you can easily play on Android, graphics are also okay not fully 3D graphics but it's still there pretty good but the best thing about this game is the controls are very good, as an Android fighting game this is a definitely must play game, only the bad thing about this game is that mostly stuff are not in English which is a big letdown for me because I didn't understand many of the things, There are some other modes like online mode or versus mode which I didn't understand because of the language difference and also I couldn't find a single player to play with I don't know maybe it's because I didn't understand it, There is a story mode which you can play with one character and again I didn't understand if there is a possibility your character will change or not you will be just playing the same character I'm not sure of that, There are lots of heroes in this game and you can I'm sure select many of them later on the game or versus more which are not easy to navigate or understand because mostly important things are not in English, It's not heavily deep combat system is just press this button and press that button kind of combat system but it's still at work very good, The combos are basic if you know anything about fighting game you will going to love it but if you are a hardcore fighting game fan you might find it really boring after playing for little while, definitely must play a game if you understand the Japanese language or maybe it's Chinese language or Korean language I'm sorry for that if I am not sure what language is that is 😆, but if you are English and you don't understand any of those language this game might be not as much fun for you because there is literally nothing else you can understand operating weapon is not explained well I didn't find anything new I was using same character with the same weapon, There is another mode which called heroes in I honestly don't even know what that mode is you can play with other character in that mode It's kind of like a challenge mode but I'm not sure what that is again because of the language, I would give it a four star but because the language is a big issue for many of people like us so this game is going to get three star,
158 瀏覽 12/09/2020
Translated from Chinese by Google: A horizontal version of fighting game with cold weapons as the theme, the overall is very hard core. The game relies on the ink painting style to restore the bohemian sense of freedom in martial arts novels, and creates a very strong Chinese cultural charm. Although the game is a fighting game, it is optimized for the touch screen of the mobile phone. It only requires simple clicks and swipes to perform very gorgeous moves, but if you want to move continuously, you still need a certain degree of proficiency. skill based.
26K 瀏覽 12/08/2020
Translated by Google: This is a horizontal fighting game with strong elements of Chinese style. Martial arts has always been a subject often used in Chinese literature. The powerful power of eighteen weapons and the wonderful moves and tricks are all fascinating. The game uses 2D art painting to express, the overall quality of the picture is acceptable, and the style of the game adopts the style of Chinese classical ink painting, which also reflects the classics of Chinese style.
977 瀏覽 06/16/2023
Its nice but it needs little more spiciness in it. The graphics is good but I don't understand it because of the Chinese even though I put the settings on English.
781 瀏覽 12/09/2020
Translated from Simplified Chinese by Google A cold weapon style FTG game that uses a large number of traditional Chinese "wuxia" elements to restore the characteristics and moves of weapons such as knives, guns, swords, and fans. In terms of art design, the integration of the ink expression style and totem elements of Chinese traditional painting makes the game art design very recognizable.